Obs $25 Luxor
WIN this CHIP guess deadline soon, R U in ?
- $88.31
- TY Paul, U R on the list GL also
Grand Lake, OK and Island Resort, MI
$1 M Resort baccarat + 2 others
Luxor Colored Tokens
Palms $5 Playboy
Riviera Hologram Tokens
- Survey Time! Seminars at the convention,-Trading
- OK Last B4 Ebay $32 shpd Eddie Mathews
Metal stuff...
Mess o' chips....
- Anyone have any idea where these were used?
- A Casino!
- Re: Anyone have any idea where these were used?
- Thanks for that clue. As a result I have
Eleven $1 NV & LV ncvs
Pink Dunes Chip
- I hope my email beat yours! Besides...
- Jim, I thought you had the Pink DUNES Chip
- Ron, I thought you had the Pink DUNES Chip...
- Re: Jim, I thought you had the Pink DUNES Chip
- You got it Ron. Geez, two emails and two posts
- eMail sent for the Dunes WIN Cards Chip!
- Harrahs
Caesars Palace
- Stardust & Orbit Inn
LAKE TAHOE "Chips of the Day"...
jessie beck's riverside reno ERROR chips
- Please Check Your Email
- I want one of each.
- Re: I want one of each.
- I dont see the difference?
- #3 #7 #9 are gone
- No, I will take #14 instead
- Re: No, I will take #14 instead
- Re: I dont see the difference?
- Understood. Give me #14
- #14 gone
- #13 gone
- Time to sleep and leave message here with chip num
- ON scan # 14...
a few nice chips
row 5 chip 2
- $100 Last Frontier 7th Iss Las Vegas Chip
A Page A Day
#8 & 15
#10, 12 & 20
- Item #19 is....
- Did you have this horse at Keeneland Sunday?
- Digging out near Deadwood
- You drive on the left side there?
- Re: You drive on the left side there?
- Re: You drive on the left side there?
- OK....Deadwood did get 43 inches of snow ....
chip specials
Hustler set of 12
chips $5 below fcace each plus postage
GADZOOKS Only "250" days Left
Las Vegas Hilton--update
Las Vegas Hilton $100
Casino Collectibles-Day277
Majestic Inlaid Litho Picture
- Roger-See My Email Please
- Are any of these different than yours?
- Re: Are any of these different than yours?
- Can you send me a 300Dpi scan of the middle one?
- RIP Greg Susong – 4 years today
- Re: RIP Greg Susong – 4 years today
- RIP Greg Susong – He is missed
- We Miss Your Greg
- RIP my friend..
- Call me sentimental, but...
- Re: Call me sentimental, but...
- I still can't believe he's gone
- What a Great Guy !! I think of him all the time.
- In less than 18 hours...
.50 Primadonna #N5468
- Custom Chipco chips
- Re: Custom Chipco chips
- Southern Nevada chip meeting el Cortez tonight
- nice PICs, thanks for sharing
- Thanks Joe, sorry I missed the mtg
NCR ~ Wednesday Humor, October 9th...
- Today's SNAPPER
- Check your email, please!
- Chip for /today
$5 chips at only $5 each
O'Shea's $25 Halloween Chips
2 $10 chips 4 only $20 shipped
Osheas $25 chip
- Hotrod of the day for 10-9-13...NCR
- Re: Hotrod of the day for 10-9-13...NCR
NCR ~ My one and a half cents, October 9th...
- Seems to have 6 windows
- Re: Seems to have 6 windows
- Re: Seems to have 6 windows
- Sorta makes sense to me.
- Wow, look what I found - boxing chip proto
- Re: Wow, look what I found - boxing chip proto
- Lewis vs. Golata
- Re: Lewis vs. Golata
- Re: I hope its Bob!
- Me too!
- Where is he? He has gone awol
- Re: Where is he? He has gone awol
- Re: Where is he? He has gone awol
- Hi David! I hope it's me!!!
- Looking for Vegas brochures from 60's- 70's
- Can't help you with the brochure, but...
- Is Cameron Kessinger still around?
- Rick Olsen and Bill Judge come to mind.
- brochures
- I have one from the Mapes Casino.....
$5 Caesars AC prototype
- Re:I will take them
- Dave -I'd like one if still available - LMK !!
- I would like one if still available Re:$5CaesProto
- Please email me if you have any left.
- All
Chipco made manufacturers samples
$1000 Sport of Kings
Caesars Tahoe $1000 ncv chip
Plaque Italiano
Trump Plaza, AC tourny chips
- Re:
Trump Plaza, AC tourny chips
Circus Circus Reno chips
Monte Carlo roulettes
- I'll take the brown Golf Club (first chip)
- Re: I'll take the brown Golf Club (first chip)
- Now, find me a brown FEMME PARASOL!
- When are you next in Vegas?
- good pick... the brown is virtually impossible ~~~
- Yes, brown is tough. I was missing 4 (now 3) brown
- When I first introduced the roulettes ~~~
- Re: When I first introduced the roulettes ~~~
- Re: When I first introduced the roulettes ~~~
- Re: When I first introduced the roulettes ~~~
- These are the 13 I need to complete the set of 126
- Firekeepers (MI) promo chip
Las Vegas Bar/Pub Slot Cards
All Gone
- $5 Frontier Hotel 1st Iss Las Vegas Chip
- Twenty three (23) $1.00 chips...all $50 postpaid
- ALRIGHT....who wants them all for $40?
- Re: ALRIGHT....who wants them all for $35.00
- .50 chips@ Battle Creek
- Re: .50 chips@ Battle Creek
- Re: .50 chips@ Battle Creek
- I found another creeper in Maui
- Re: I found another creeper in Maui
7 free drink chips
- NCR Signed Eddit Mathews Photo
- Eddie not Eddit LOL
- OK How about $35 shipped?
- Re: OK How about $33 shipped?
- Twenty (20) chips from all over
- Nine (9) FREE DRINK plastic tokens from Reno......
- I will take those Jim
- Re: I will take those Jim
- Nice Grab Rick
- Hey Ron, perhaps I can help you out...
- TY
- Great Chips ending on eBay Today
LAKE TAHOE "Chips of the Day"...
- Re:
- Re: they're "Thumb's up"!
- Thanks Pam, I never noticed that one before
- Re: Your daily posts are...
- Re: Your daily posts are...
- $25 Diamond Jim's Jackpot Chip Help
- Same chips but poor scans.
- Re: Same chips but poor scans.
Casino Collectible Day-276
- $5 Sands 11th Iss Las Vegas Chip
a few nice chips
- sorry for no picture/ collection library is down
row 1 chip 1 & row 4 chip 2
A Page A Day
- Reggie, I like your trading policy!
- Thanks Rick...
- I agree with Rick on your trading
- Re: I agree with Rick on your trading
- Colorado Casino Chips
- Looking for any of theses....
- Dodgers win
- Re: Next Stop, Phoenix!
- Donald Arthur
- Look what was creeping in Maui
- Not good roger, the creeper
- Crabby?
- A'ama crab, one of my favs!
- Re: A'ama crab, one of my favs!
- Re: A'ama crab, one of my favs!
- I like anything old chip related
- I like anything old chip related
- Very different than....
- Do they look like this in Vegas?
- He's my pet... I call him Stingy....
NCR ~ Tuesday Humor, October 8th...
- Interesting pair of high denom Stardust tokens...
- Re: Interesting pair of high denom Stardust tokens
- I really like them and wish I had a set!
- Re: Interesting pair of high denom Stardust tokens
- Corrected and added info...
- Creeping around vegas shot of mirage
- Very nice shot Joe
- Re: Creeping around vegas shot of mirage
- Bargain box
- See e - mail
- Foreign chips
- Hotrod of the day for 10-8-13...NCR
- Re: Hotrod of the day for 10-8-13...NCR
NCR ~ My one and a half cents, October 8th...
- Match from Aruba's first tourist hotel
- Re: Match from Aruba's first tourist hotel
- I recognize that matchbook!
- Re: Match from Aruba's first tourist hotel
- Info On this Chip?
- Re: Info On this Chip?
- Re: Info On this Chip?
- Re: Info On this Chip?
- Try This....
- Halloween 2012 chip scans
- Got the Four Queens, LV Chip...
- $1 Jewel of the Seas - ICON
- $1 Golden Nugget
- 24 hours left on eBay
take it for
Shameless plug for my eBay auctions
- NCR: Mattingly Going with Kershaw Tonight
- Oh yeah, Attn: Stu, Andy, Michael, Marc, etc..
- Re: Oh yeah, Attn: Stu, Andy, Michael, Marc, etc..
- Re: NCR: Mattingly Going with Kershaw Tonight
- Re: I 100% Agree With You!
- Like I Said..Mattingly..Manager of the Year!
- It paid off!
- $1 Silver Sevens - 4th Variation Found
- Countdown to 3,600 chips
8 to go
- Countdown to 3,600 chips
9 to go
- New Harrah's Laughlin $5 NCV Issue??
- Four Gone. I have More!
- Re: New Harrah's Laughlin $5 NCV Issue??
- Re: New Harrah's Laughlin $5 NCV Issue??
- Reggie, Thanks for the pad
- NCR New $100 to debut .....
- Chip Board Question
- Re: Chip Board Question
- Thanks Gene for the info,
- I can't find 'hurridier' in my dictionary
- You have a dictionary????
- I did have but my pigmy goat ate it
- A HUGE "Thank You" to Richard Huber
- Thank You Richard, that BEDO guy does need HELP
- Re: A HUGE "Thank You" to Richard Huber
- The past years when you helped at the Membership
A Page A Day
- Re:
A Page A Day
Image here
- Re:
A Page A Day
LAKE TAHOE "Chips of the Day"...
LAKE TAHOE "Misc of the Day"
- Re: 2006 Photo Lake Tahoe
- Re: 2006 Photo Lake Tahoe
- Reggie, where are you? I need my pad fix.
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
- Some new things I have learned
- Re: Some new things I have learned
- Nice. I don't have either of those
- Re: Don, I'd love to see...
- Located within a casino
- Re: Very nice!
- Barrel from Bacchanal
- The Mint, downtown barrel
- Re: The Mint, downtown barrel
- Re: The Mint, downtown barrel
- Re:
I had to experiment...
- Heads will roll...
- Re:
It's almost Halloween...
- Re: Good post
- Thanks
- Last HRs; Casino ashtrays @ .99
a few nice chips
- $5 Cotton Club 2nd Iss Las Vegas Chip
- Information Please
- Re: Information Please
- Thank you
- Re: Information Please
- Thank you, That's the outside ring
- Might be an optical illusion, but the "0"
- Re: Might be an optical illusion, but the "0"
- 2 of these Frontier mules in ChipChat Oct auction
- Need help for the info of a UK casino club
- Re: Need help for the info of a UK casino club
- Re: Need help for the info of a UK casino club
- The son of the man who opened the club in the ~~~
- Re: The son of the man who opened the club in the
- Re: The son of the man who opened the club in the
- 19 days to the Great Lakes Collectibles Show ...
- Re: 19 days to the Great Lakes Collectibles Show .
- OK, I'll hold you to that!! *bg*
- Re: 19 days to the Great Lakes Collectibles Show .
- Great! See you soon!!!
- Re: 19 days to the Great Lakes Collectibles Show .
- OK, look me up, I have the newer Odawa if you need
- Will be bringing...
- Great! See you soon!!!
- Hopefully Christi brings treats
- Mee toooo, They were YUM-O last year!
Casino Collectibles Day275
- Day 275 A few EC's
More - Day 275
- New Gardena Club matchcover
- Re: New Gardena Club matchcover
- Thanks Robert
NCR ~ Monday Humor, October 7...
$1 Mystery Chip - REVEALED
- Attn Snapper Collectors - Do you have this one ?
- I Do
- No
- Hotrod of the day for 10-7-13...NCR
NCR ~ My one and a half cents, October 7th...
- SHOWBOAT Vintage Casino Ashtray blue @ .99
Hooters, WA Chipcos #3
Hooters, WA Chipcos #2
Hooters, WA Chipcos
Home Plate, WA Chipcos #2
Home Plate, WA Chipcos
- Re: Buffalo Creek Casino - New Chips
- Great Chips and Memorabilia on eBay FS
- Where do I find a 6* hotel in Las Vegas, Glenn
- Re: Where do I find a 6* hotel in Las Vegas, Glenn
- Re: Where do I find a 6* hotel in Las Vegas, Glenn
- Is that in Nevada or Italy?
- Hawiian Chips
- It's the State Seal of Hawaii
- Re: It's the State Seal of Hawaii
- Re: It's the State Seal of Hawaii
- Re: It's the State Seal of Hawaii
- Re: It's the State Seal of Hawaii
- No indian reservations?
- Re: No indian reservations?
- Hawaii state law prohibits casinos
- Club Match covers
- casino alamo
- Re: casino alamo
Some chip lots ending soon
New WA Chip
- U CAN WIN ---- WIN this CHIP ---- up-date
- 175.75 Thanks
- Re: U CAN WIN ---- WIN this CHIP $98.50
- Re:$108.88 final bell
- Luis Alvarez LM-6040-243 $115.49
- $267.50
- $76.86
- 100.01
- $120.17 - Thanks a lot!
vegas hardrocks
- Any info on this token?
- Part of a series
- Thanks John!!!
New Halloween Personals
vegas halloween chips
20 Neat Old Chips-$30 Shipped In US
2 Thunderbird Chips-Free Shipping In US
20 Old Chips Only $30-Free Shipping
Hideaway, WA Chipcos #3
Hideaway, WA Chipcos #2
Hideaway, WA Chipcos
Hawk's Prairie, WA Chipcos
Happy Days, WA Chipcos #2
Happy Days, WA Chipcos
- Today's SNAPPER
Habana Lounge, WA Chipcos
- Chip for Today
- Listed some of my scarce UK Jetons on
- Creeping around vegas any seen this before
- Re: This might date the ash tray....
- Very nice!
- chip ID
- Sorry To Report-Generic-Penny Each
- New Indian Casino
These end today....
- Maui sunset 10-5-2013
- best one yet Roger! keep them coming
- Where is BPOE 2638 from?
- Vacaville, CA
- Thanks Don
- Re: Where is BPOE 2638 from?
- Re: Where is BPOE 2638 from?
- Maui Sea Turtles came to shore 10-5-2013
- Great shots roger did you feed them
- No touching or feeding the turtles
- You can eat them in Grand Cayman!!
- though you can't enter the USA with their shell ~
- Correct, or any product made by their shell...
- M'mmmm.. You're making me hungry...
- Called Honu in Hawaiian
- RARE Samples Listed on
Last Night
- Unique Chipco Plaques Listed on
Last Night
- Rare BJ Tourney set with Super Snapper on
- 2 Luxor $1,000 Prototypes on
- Unique Desert Inn Overstamped Chip on
- Unique Thunderbird Overstamped Chip on
- Ballys Las Vegas $500 R-10 Chip on
- Dunes Las Vegas $25 R-8 Chip on
- Circus Circus Las Vegas $5 Prototype Chip on
- Awesome XXXXX Rare $1,000 Caribbean Chip on
- Great UK Chips & Jetons on
- Rare Chipco California Plaques on
- Other Misc Chips Listed on
- Awesome Taylor & Company Pie is nice
- Thanks Rick, The Taylor Pies have always been the
- Taylor is Illinois and the 3132 is my phone#
Favorite Of The Week - OTY Winner - Week #72
- Need Help With a chip ID
- Re: Need Help With a chip ID
Thanks Gene
a few nice chips
row 2 chip 3
- English CICs and Fractionals listed on Ebay
Another 24 new LV & NV obsoletes
- $25 Dunes 13th Iss Las Vegas Chip
24 new LV & NV obsoletes
23 obsolete LV & NV chips
- AC Fun Nite & Training School chips
- Rare Artichoke Joes $10k plaque & $5k octagon
- NCR: The new movie "Gravity"...
A Page A Day
Newer Aquisitions
Casino Collectibles-Day274
- Casino Collectibles - Misc Items
- Sample of some nice chips at Jameschips.com
- Check out my Halloween 2013 Poker Chip...
- YAY!!! I was hoping you would make one this year!
- Re: Check out my Halloween 2013 Poker Chip...
- John Davis passes......
- With Deepest Sympathy
- Hold tight to memories for comfort
- sorry for your loss Butch
- Condolences to his family & friends, Butch
- 40 Different Chips on E-Bay
- Here's your
- Newer AC Roulettes
- More Newer AC Roulettes
- Hotrod of the day for 10-6-13...NCR
- That is Great!!!
NCR ~ My one and a half cents, October 6th...
- Re: Hotrod of the day for 10-6-13...NCR
- 2 bad it's a "4" door, not kool as a rod
- Re: 2 bad it's a "4" door, not kool as a rod
- Reef Casino Cairns Australia, $2.50 chips
- Re: Reef Casino Cairns Australia, $2.50 chips
- Re: Reef Casino Cairns Australia, $2.50 chips
- Re: Reef Casino Cairns Australia, $2.50 chips SOLD
Miscellaneous Nevada chips $5 each
- Can anyone post these three Caesars 5's?
- Scan
- Re: Scan
- ??? They are totally different in Paul's scan
- Hmmm, look the same on my HP laptop
- I can see the difference on my HP desktop.
- Lend your monitor to Don
- OK, I can Photoshop and see the difference
guess up-date HERE
- $72.00 - Richard "Reggie" Gummer R7369
- 123.45
- $133.33 Thanks For the Fun
- $61.50
- $89.00
- 127.00
- 125.55
- $205 Mark Murray Australia R-8405
- $150.01
- $100,000,000,991
- $111.11 Thanks for the contest
Las Vegas Club collection
- FYI: Coin cup is from the 1930s - 1940s
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- No takers - back to the vault.
- $1 Harrah's Brass Core chips
- Better Nevada chips
- Lunar New Year chips
- Borland chips
- Maui sunset 10-4-2013
- Be sure and see...
- Looking For Theese Chips...
take them all for
- A few new images posted today
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
- Love this chip!!
Cheep chips NV-LV-NM- AZ
1995 Four 4 Queens Superbowl Chip
3 slot machine gambling movie lobby cards $16
- movie about political corruption in Louisiana
- International Large Denom Chips
- The following chips are
- Also
are: Casino Ruhl 5000...
- The Binion House
- Great pictures and story!
- she would'nt let you near it?
- Re: 2012 pics
- Could that lady have been Becky?
- Re: I don't think so....
- glad you got the PICs
- Re: wish we could have gone in
- Bet they ran metal detectors for silver !!
- Re: Maybe...but the silver was here...
- ♫ ♪ Welcome back! ♫ ♪
- 2014
Calendar closes tonight (Oct 5th)
- 50¢ Flamingo 7th Iss Las Vegas Chip
- Preview of Rare Samples and Vegas listed tonights
- I forgot about these that are also scheduled
- Re: Preview of Rare Samples and Vegas listed tonig
- I am not sure about "Owned" but I am sure they had
- Taylor Samples for The Casino Guide?
a/c playboy
laughlin chips
nugget 4th
new hardrocks vegas
- Great Hunt & Co Sample Chips Ending Tonight
- Cuban Gran Casino National C&S Chip Ending Tonight
- Mirage High Roller Roulette Sample Chips Ending
- Great Texas Illegal Chips Ending tonight on
- Great California Samples & Advertising Ending
- Awesome $100 Venetian Octagon Ending tonight
- Prince Rainier of Monaco Chips ending tonight
- Other great illegals and oddball chips ending
a few nice chips
- HRA / 139 chip set find
- Bargain box
- E-Mail Sent!
A Page A Day
$1 CO chips
$1 OK chips
El Cortez $25 Metal Inlay.
Fitzgeralds $100
Golden Gate $100
Imperial Palace $100
Pahrump Nugget $100
Railroad Pass $100
CCGTCC Convention Octagons
- Sold email to follow
CCGTCC Convention Octagons
BARGE Bounty Octagons
Florida, Palm Beach Princess Match Play
- SOLD - If available
Palm Beach Princess Match Play
WIN this CHIP is back
- $3.14 Example
- $146.50
- Re: $102.50
- $87.38
- $55.62
- $58.35 Thanks
- $67.39
- $117.17 (PhyllisSpagnola R-5866) Thank you...
- $47.68
- $79.50 sheldon!
- $97.50 christine!
- Re: $222.00 Beautiful Chip Mr. Louie
- $104.04 / Thanks for the fun
- $99.99
- $99.99
- 134.50 , thank you for the contest
- $91
- Wet Chip RCI News..
Casino collectibles day 273
- Foreign chip blowout
- All gone!
- Better $1 chips
- Jetons
- All sold!
- Vegas DUNES Casino Ashtray @ .99
- Bargain box
- Re: email sent.
- Can Trumps Castle chips be cashed at GN?
- No. . . . Taj Mahal will redeem them
- Who collects casino hotel bath minatures?
- Hotrod of the day for 10-5-13...NCR
- Re: Hotrod of the day for 10-5-13...NCR
- Re: Hotrod of the day for 10-5-13...NCR
- "fix the cigerette lighter"
NCR ~ My one and a half cents, October 5th...
- You must not be looking
- Re: You must not be looking
- What printed version?
- You are right
- Benny Hill poker (gambling) chips ?
- He Was A Master English Comedian...RIP BH!
- Sold Circus Circus $5
Orbit 100, Sans S, and Desert Spa
- Re:
Orbit 100, Sans S, and Desert Spa
- Nevada NCV chips
- Sahara roulettes
- Blog post about chip collecting
- Re: Blog post about chip collecting
- [LIKE]
- Creeping around Las Vegas Benny binions house neat
- Thanks Joe, nice history
- Very nice! Thanks again Joe!
- Re: Neat picture; sad to see such disrepair
- Re: Creeping around Las Vegas Benny binions house
- whats the back look like??
Great Creeping..Thanks!
- NCR: Slight update to the lottery contest
- Thanks Bob and Andy!!!
- That's Great! THX!!
- Sounds great, Thanks
- Re: NCR: Thanks Bob & Andy
- testing
- Thanks Bob & Andy
NCR ~ Thank you, Bob and Andy...
- TY Bob and Andy
- Thanks To Both Of You