- Harley Davidson Chips 101
- Harley Davidson of Las Vegas, another gift chip..
- More Sturgis, Deadwood Tokens...
7 $25 & 2 $5 Regent for $110.00
Free Ship?
- 2013 G2E chips....
- Chips on eBay
- Re: Chips on eBay
Mint/NM Riverside Reno Lrg Crown $100s
- Extreme Pumpkins!
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
- MGM and Foxwoods to part ways
- Gary A. Smith I need you to e-mail me!
LAKE TAHOE "Chips of the Day"...
- Now, tell us what
- Re: Now, tell us what
- a few shots of The Grand
- part 2
- Great shots, Bill...
- very colorful
- dice for sale
Who would like $185.00 Regent chips
- 96 hrs from a buy on
a few nice chips
- Charlie's free drink - Sold - if avail.
USAF Anniv / Augusta
- Bob Feller chip if available
row 2 chip 1
row 4 chip 4, row 5 chip 5
row 2 chip 4
- Playing Cards book
- Paging Jim Steffner....
- Re: Paging Jim Steffner....
- I figured he'd be the best source. Sorry
- Nevada Playing Card Guide...
- Great collection!
- My Favourite Poker Card Guard
- That is a GREAT website!
- Boomtown NCV 2.50 to 100 $40 shipped
- Info Help on CIC Chips Please
- Re: Info Help on CIC Chips Please
- Re: Info Help on CIC Chips Please
- Re: Info Help on CIC Chips Please
- Re: Info Help on CIC Chips Please
Hmmm! Good To Know! Thanks David!
- Hope this link is of some help ...
- Thanks Archie!
Lesson Learned
- Here's another link more specific to your question
Palms 20th Home Video
Palms Playboy Home Video with CD Case
I would like it please If Available!
Nevada roulettes continued
Casino Collectibles Day-298
- $100s Free Chips Pappy is sighted
- Long waiting list.
- TRY Little out of way stores
- ?????????????????
NCR ~ Wednesday Humor, October 30th...
WIN this CHIP is back with a BONUS
- $129.04 Thanks Steve!
- $121.79 please.
- 123.45
$117.17 (PhyllisSpagnola R-5866)
- I hope it goes for more...$77.78
- $83.00 thank you Steve
- 249.99
- $114.57 thx
- $121.76
- $201.50 Please
- $175.95
- $121.77
- Cher hates las Vegas audiences
- God, is she beautiful...!!
- Thats because she is 90% silicone and plastic
- A little Armor AllĀ® and...
- Re: Thats because she is 90% silicone and plastic
- Re: Thats because she is 90% silicone and plastic
- Hey wait a second! Are those not the...
- Re: Hey wait a second! Are those not the...
- Hotrod of the day for 10-30-13...NCR
- at Sants Fe no more, now duncan donuts on Craig rd
NCR ~ My one and a half cents, October 30...
- Creeping around vegas the mirage sign at dust
- Nice Picture
- My 'Postage Due' event today...
- That's a nice carrier.
- I have mailed a a couple hundred this way and ...
- Re: I have mailed a a couple hundred this way and
- The issue here is not being squeezed out...
- Yes it is ...
- Awesome personal chip you have there! Love it.
- That was for our show last week Brian and ...
- Partly NCR - postage realities
- Re: Partly NCR - postage realities
- NCR Mark Brittin Please e-mail me
- Reform Club Casino, London, England - IVORY 1836
- A well made ivory chip, too. Not a practice often
- You are right, but consider the low tech!
- Though I've not seen, I'm told there are ~~~
- How much????
- Re: How much????
- Curious what other denoms known...
- In due time.....John
- Yes. How much?
- Downtown Grand Video Poker?
- Re: Downtown Grand Video Poker?
- Re: Downtown Grand Video Poker?
- Re: Downtown Grand Video Poker?
- NCR But a very serious problem LOL
- Funny
- Snopes is Your Friend!
- Casino MonteLago suspends operation
- story in this post
- Interviewing new operators
- Hotrod of the day for 10-15-13...NCR
- nothing to look at hear, no chips at all (:
- James Campiglia Luxor Chip?
4 Biloxi Casino Magic including $1000 chip
- Looks like a chip to me
- Re: Looks like a chip to me
- Re: Looks like a chip to me
- Re: Looks like a chip to me
Today: Las Vegas E's
- Las Vegas Tropicana $1 NEW RELEASE
- G3N Roulette chip
- Re: G3N Roulette chip
- Re: G3N Roulette chip
- Poker & Casino Card Guard's
- Today's SNAPPER
3 chips
Jim, I'll take 'em! eMail to follow.
- Re:
Thanks J. F.
- Chip for Today
- Creeping around vegas at the palms
- Very nice, thanks
- Palms Poker Boss
- Too cool, Joe!
LAKE TAHOE "Chips of the Day"...
- Anyone know Gary's Last Name?
- Re: Anyone know Gary's Last Name?
- Re: Anyone know Gary's Last Name?
- Re: Anyone know Gary's Last Name?
- My good friend Herbie and wife Doris who lived in
- $25 Moulin Rouge
a few nice chips
Would Like The Bally's $4 Please If Available
row 2 chip 5, row 3 chip 3 , row 5 chip 3
row 2 chip 4
Some great buys ending soon
- Halloween is Coming!! And With My Eyes
- Very Cool
- Very Nice
- Nice plaque!
- Chip Cleaning
- A good question, 1 that has come up often
- Re: A good question, 1 that has come up often
- No problem. Glad to help. Charles Kaplan deserves
- Re: Chip Cleaning
- Re: Chip Cleaning
- Happy Birthday Ruben Apaez
Happy Birthday, Ruben...
- Have a Happy Birthday, Ruben!
- Happy Birthday Ruben !!!
- Happy Birthday Ruben
- THANKS GUYS!!! I had the BEST day today!
Misc.$5 chips
- 5 chips
- 75 more to sell or trade
- lookie if you want, if not, so what, U lose
- Re: lookie if you want, if not, so what, U lose
a few nice chips
- Grand Casino/LCO
- MGM Bicentennial $5 Chip F.S.
NCR ~ Tuesday Humor, October 29th (Mature) ...
A Page A Day
Nevada roulettes $2 each plus postage
Casino Collectibles Day297
- Oh! The horror!
Glass Crutch $5...
- Re: Oh! The horror!
Glass Crutch $5...
- Steve, right you are. I guess I...
- Re: Steve, right you are. I guess I...
- Not something for me to do.
- duct tape will hold it
- Date for TK Mold
- Wow! Very interesting. Only took 3 years!...
- Re: Wow! Very interesting. Only took 3 years!...
- Re: Wow! Very interesting. Only took 3 years!...
- Re: Wow! Very interesting. Only took 3 years!...
- Re: Wow! Very interesting. Only took 3 years!...
- Re: GPI Bought Out TKS
- GPI did not exist until 2002
- Re: GPI did not exist until 2002
- BetG had already bought TK well before the merger.
- Old chips
- I'll take the AC 8 if available
- NHB if available - see email
- Re: NHB if available - see email
- SOLD if avail.Cactus Pete's - Jackpot, NV
- lBarrel House Sold if available.
- Re: Old chips
- $5 chips
- Gilley's SOLD
$5 chips at face.....
Jailhouse and Hilton TCR# E1155
- Some observations about Santa Ana Star Chips...
- Re: Some observations about Santa Ana Star Chips..
- I did try a wet-nap and my finger nail...
- Re: I did try a wet-nap and my finger nail...
- Cleaning does nothing! Requires scrapping...
- Re: Some observations about Santa Ana Star Chips..
- David, it could be symantics, but...
- Re: David, it could be symantics, but...
- Sounds like days of the past all over, again!
- Re: Sounds like days of the past all over, again!
- PS - not sure about them being Icon anyway
- This could easily be true!
- Soboba casino chips
- Interesting item from Playboy Casino A.C.
- Pretty cool Doug. Were the multiple...
- It Hung On A Poll
- Just needed a "tool" to hang it!
- Re: Just needed a "tool" to hang it!
- Re: Just needed a "tool" to hang it!
- Hotrod of the day for 10-29-13...NCR
- Re: Hotrod of the day for 10-29-13...NCR
NCR ~ My one and a half cents for October 29th
- Personel & Halloween Chips
- Values needed for damaged chips?
- NEW RELEASE Tropicana $1 House Chip
Sahara LV table used cards.
Sahara LV craps dice. 3 sets
- Creeping around vegas didn't know they still use
- Last Chance b4 ebay-Sahara $25 Drilled
Some Very Cool Harrah's Tahoe Collectibles
- Re:
Some Very Cool Harrah's Tahoe Collectibl
- Sorry - Here is a link
North Shore Club Lake Tahoe
- Downtown Grand picture
- Windows 8 question.
- Here's a link to a forum addressing the subject
- Thanks Don. Sooo sorry I bought this new machine.
- Re: Windows 8 question.
- Nice report! Too bad the chips are so ugly.
- Re: Nice report! Too bad the chips are so ugly.
- yes, pm?
- Today's SNAPPER R-0108
LAKE TAHOE "Chips of the Day"...
- Love the Post Cards
- Chip for Today
NCR ~ Monday Humor, October 2th...
Las Vegas D's
- Downtown Grand Las Vegas!
Casino Collectibles Calendar
- Is there still time to order a calendar? Thanks!
- There ARE a few additional calendars that will be
MAC , Calif. chip - new find
Personal Chips
- Downtown Grand NEW RELEASE
a few nice chips
A Page A Day
- Re:chip harvesting techniques
- Re:chip harvesting techniques
- I can help you out
chips @ $1 over face plus postage
- Email sent...thanks.
- No Ellis Island Halloween???
- Re: No Ellis Island Halloween???
- Our friend Joe Pavlik Posted that here last week.
Casino Collectible Day-296
- NCR Good luck David worst storm in 10 yrs coming
- Im in a valley. It passed straight overhead
- New Release Downtown Grand Las Vegas
- Chips were hot tonight & prices lowered ending 2hr
Tropicana, Downtown Grand + Recent NR's
- where is Downtown Grand at???
- The old Lady Luck
- Re:
Tropicana, Downtown Grand + Recent
- Have you checked your e-mail?
- New grand casino chips las vegas
- Ugly! Just my opinion...
- You are right very disappoint
- Re: New grand casino chips las vegas
- Who is the manufacturer?
- Mike, I 'think' that they are Icon...
- Re: Mike, I 'think' that they are Icon...
- It seems that Genesis Interactive.....
- Hotrod of the day for 10-28-13...NCR
- Security patch new grand casino Las Vegas
- I have confused myself
Need TCR#
- Can't tell from your scan if it is CJ or...
- Thank You - Totally Missed That One
- Description info from Chip Chat Auction, please...
- Re: Description info from Chip Chat Auction, pleas
- Jim, Thank you! Jim
- Re: Description on Arrowdie,????
- Id
- Green Bay /Minnesota-First Play
- Green Bay figured Minnesota Needed a Handicap
Some Auctions Ending in about an hour
- Old Riviera, LV $100 chip for TCR
- Twickenham chip (?)
- Re: Twickenham chip (?)
- Re: Twickenham chip (?)
- Thank You to Archie and Brenda Black
Some Nice Chips
- Hotrod of the day for 10-14-13...NCR
- Re: Hotrod of the day for 10-14-13...NCR
- *g8 NCR ~ My one and a half cents...
Old El Rancho $5.00 Large Crown Mold
$25 Riverside Brown small crown
- To our friend Bryan Jimison-HAPPY Birthday ! !
- Happy birthday Bryan
- Re: Happy birthday Bryan
- Happy B-Day Bryan!!!!!!
- A VERY HAPPY Birthday Brian
- Happy Birthday Bryan!
- Happy Birthday Bryan
- Happy Birthday Bryan!
- Happy Birthday, Bryan...!
- Chip collecting & auctions are SERIOUS business...
- A couple more photos from the auction yesterday
- Great PICs thanks Steve!
- GREAT pics Bedo TY, from want 2 B Steve
- Re: GREAT pics Bedo TY, from want 2 B Steve
Good job!!
North Star, WA Chipcos
Northern Lights, WA Chipcos
Nooksack, WA Chipcos
$1 Riverboat Tokens
New Phoenix, WA Chipcos #4
- One set sold, one left.
New Phoenix, WA Chipcos #3
New Phoenix, WA Chipcos #2
New Phoenix, WA Chipcos
Mr Z's Casino, WA Chipcos
Magic Lanes, WA Chipcos
Lummi Casino, WA Chipcos
- Chipper's Pro Football Contests - 1st Half Notes
Tropicana, Downtown Grand + Recent NR's
- Creeping around vegas jerry nugget. Grand casino
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
More Las Vegas C's
Lucite ticket blow-out continues!!
- Re:
Lucite ticket blow-out continues!!
- #s 10 & 20 are
- #13 is also
- #14 is
# 22,#24, #25, & # 26
- Correction
# 23,#24, #25, & # 26
- NorCalNev meeting In Napa, BIG fun
- Re: Thanks Steve for hosting the meeting ...
- Looks like a GREAT time!! Thanks for the pics
- Doug Johnson. Check this out!
- Rare Nevada chips ending tonight
Mint/NM Riverside Reno Lrg Crown $100s
- Survivor Update
Roulette chips from
take them all for
$1 M Resort Baccarat
- $25 Shipped.
- $40 shipped
- Email sent
Bud M. & Ernie N,
- Wish I was there
- Chipper's $1 Pro Football Contest - 2nd Half DRAW!
- Chipper's $5 Pro Football Contest - 2nd Half DRAW!
- Cactus Pete's Dick Sweeney listed on
- Scarce Reno chips listed on
Bicycle Casino Dealer and All In Button
- Re:
Bicycle Casino Dealer and All In Button
- Fitzgeralds- Reno
- Reno $5.'s
- Question for Room Key and Do Not Disturb Sign
- Rincon Image
- A couple more...
- Re: No room key, but..
Favorite Of The Week - Fantasy Chips -Week 75
Harley Davidson Chips
- Page 2
- Page 3
- Page 4
- FYI Hustler (Los Angeles) Birthday Gift NCV Chip
- Northern Nevada $5.'s
Boomtown NCV 2.50 to 100
$45 shipped
- feel free to make offers, he has other NCV
- Hotrod of the day for 10-12-13...NCR
- Hotrod of the day for 10-13-13...NCR
- Glad you're back, missed your posts !!!
- We missed your daily hotrods!
NCR ~ My one and a half cents...
- Re:
NCR ~ My one and a half cents...
Ashley's Angels Chip
- Re: I Received Ashley's Angels Chip
Some great chips on E-Bay cheap eb*
a few nice chips
A Page A Day
- Re:
A Page A Day
- Me too
- Re: No pics on IE10 either..
A Page A Day
- New Trop chip????..
- Still in the casino cage
- Re: New Trop chip????..
- Already on the Chip Guide..
- Well, it will be out there
7 Chips from the Hyatt Lake Tahoe
if still available. E-mail Sent!
- I agree
- Great show...
HUZZAH! To Albert and His Wife! Great Show!
- I agree, great show, hope we have it next year
- Re: I agree, great show, hope we have it next year
- Re: I agree, great show, hope we have it next year
wet chips from..
misc, Roulettes
- Email Sent
Casino collectibles-Day-295
- Contest update
- Cut card
- Cool!
- Thanks, Lyle!
- Casino collectibles-Free Souvenir* card
- Hotrod of the day for 10-27-13...NCR
- Finally a Hot Rod........
- Speaking of old cars...
- The lovely Rhona and I...NCR
- 2 cOoL
- Nice!
For which car?
- Re: Nice!
For which car?
- Re: The lovely Rhona and I...NCR
- Nice!
- ID
- $5 LE blowout
- Great Lakes chip show
- And a VERY SPECIAL to my Wife Pam, for ...
- NCR / World Series game 3
- No way, Ron! Not the perfect Cards! They...
- Re: No way, Ron! Not the perfect Cards! They...
- I want to THANK EVERYONE that came to the Show !!!
- Mark Britton/ Bryan Jimison
- Chuck & Christi Larson
- Bob Bickford
- Charlie Turner
- Pat & Helen Fricke
- Ed Cohon
- miss you guys ! maybe next year!
- Missed ya's!!! See you at the Cleveland Show!!!!
- When is the Cleveland show?
- March 15th, 2014
- I'll be watching for info!
- Re: miss you guys ! maybe next year!
- Charlie Bianco
- Mike Schlotterbeck
- Stan Wigodski/Jim Steffner
- Rick & Terri Lonski/John Manolis
- Jim Essig
- Mike & Joy Vuolo
- Terry Scanlin
- Terry Shaffer
- Vendors pics missing Roger & Marlene DeVree &
- Hi Albert, looks like fun to me
- Steve, it is FUN!
- Great pics! I hope to make it next year.
- Wish I could have been there - maybe next year
- Re: I want to THANK EVERYONE that came to the Show
- Halloween/Great Lakes Show chips
- Thanks Albert! Great chip!!
- Me Me Me!!
- We missed you, enjoy the warmth!
- save on for me !
Catfish Bend Chip - Iowa
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
WSOP Commemorative Medallion - Horseshoe, Ind
- 4 California Bell Club Chips $3.75 Shipped
- Rare Vegas Chips Ending soon on
- Rare Taylor & TK Sample chips Ending soon on
- Super Rare $25,000 Riverboat Plaques Ending
- Chip Chat Auction #30 - FINAL BIDS
- Re: Chip Chat Auction #30 - FINAL BIDS
- That might be a first!!!
- No, Jay.
- Desjgn Classic Victorian Playing Cards Giveaway
Boomtown NCV snapper to 100
- $1 chips
- Personal chips
MAC , Calif. chip - new find
- another just
I do have a few more
Old El Rancho $5.00 Large Crown Mold
Barney's $5 Horseshoe Mild
- Re:
Barney's $5 Horseshoe Mild
- David, good eye. I did not
- Re: David, good eye. I did not
- Heck, I didn't notice because I
- Re: Heck, I didn't notice because I
- I see all of that now. Always learning, thanks
- Re: Heck, I didn't notice because I
- wowzer, nice grouping for someone
Roulette - LUCAYAN BEACH HOTEL, Grand Bahamas
- 1
1 to go
- I'll take it if still available...
- Both
thank you
Roulettes El Casino , Grand Bahamas
- NCR World Series Bets
- I'll take one Bill.
- Re: NCR World Series Bets
- Closed...both bets booked GL
Players Island - Maryland Heights, Missouri
- Chips, token and MOP find at Coin Store....
- Re: Chips, token and MOP find at Coin Store....
- Thanks Gene. So does that mean that...
- Re: Thanks Gene. So does that mean that...
Thanks Gene.
- Nice MOP. Curious as to thickness, approx. Thanks.
- 750/1000" or...
- Sorry Archie... "When the Chips are Down"....
- Illegal chips - is this for real?
- Re: Illegal chips - is this for real?
- Correct!
- Agreed. Just sold one for $5 this morning.
- Re: Illegal chips - is this for real?
- Re: Illegal chips - is this for real?
- Re: Illegal chips - is this for real?
- Rubes Chip November additions 105 new chips added
- Countdown to 3,600 chips
Here it is!
- Congratulations!
- Re: Countdown to 3,600 chips
Here it is!
- Great Show Albert.....
- Re: Great Show Albert.....
- 20 People!!
- Re: 20 People!!
- Thank you Chuck& Christi for the treats!!!
- Agree - they were delicious!!!
- Atlantic City Boardwalk Hall Halloween Poker Chips
- Re: Atlantic City Boardwalk Hall Halloween Poker C
Lucite ticket BLOW-OUT sale!!!
- Re: I will take #16 and #21 if you have them
- Re: Maybe #29 too? can you scan or pic
- #19 is
- #16 & #21 are
- #12 is
- $5 Thunderbird 7th Iss Las Vegas Chip
Some Nice Chips
- cookie
- PinStrips & Polka Dots Poker Tourny
- Re: PinStrips & Polka Dots Poker Tourny
- NCR*fs* Silver Dollars
Las Vegas C's
- Thanks ror all your well wishes and concerns !!!
- Ironic, yes... both 1995, but ~~~
- Re: Thanks ror all your well wishes and concerns !
- No cell phone but other distactions...............
- Re:Hope you both have quick recoveries
- Stay safe Jerry!
Scarce Las Vageas Chips
- Vegas - Too early in the am I guess
- yeah. what Don said.
- I collect matchcovers not matchsticks
Harold's Club Reno rare new find
- Re:
Harold's Club Reno rare new find
- Re:
Harold's Club Reno rare new find
- Re:
Harold's Club Reno rare new find
- Only 2 full sets left.
a few nice chips
- row 2 chip 3 and 4 please
row 2 chips 3 & 4
- Re: Check out my Halloween 2013 Poker Chip...
- Re: Check out my Halloween 2013 Poker Chip...
Rare Ā£50 Green Street Club, London plaque
A Page A Day
- Great harvesting tips - thanks!
- Re: one more tip....
- Thank You Pam...
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- Re:
Lake Tahoe set #2
Casino Collectibles Day-294
- Request for Dealers at todays Great Lakes Show
- Better Nevada chips
- Re: Better Nevada chips
- Re: Better Nevada chips
- Better $1 Nevada chips
2 nice commemorative chips...
Nice lot of 25 & 50 cent chips!
Nice lot of tokens
Nice lot of 24 $5 chips!!
Nice lot of 4 chips!