- Hey Mr Bedo!!
- Look who came to vist!!!
- "Shout Out" to Todd Barrett & Neal Silverman
My email was hacked.
- Re:
My email was hacked.
14 Different Lots Great Buys
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
70 Foreign Chips-Take A Peek
LAKE TAHOE "Chips of the Day"...
- Great chips and pictures, thanks
- Re: Great chips and pictures, thanks
- Reno and Lake Tahoe
- Re: Reno and Lake Tahoe
- Last Call...Caribbean Princess...Harley Davidson..
- I would be interested in a 2.50 chip AJ
- Your Are On The List...
- Charles, Allan and Manuel Added To List
Harley Davidson Chips Bluegrass Louisville, KY
- 25¢ Four Queens 1st Iss Las Vegas Chip
Harley Davidson Chips Louisville, KY
Colorado $5s for Face
- Re:
Colorado $5s for $7
Black Diamond & Midnight Rose
Colorado Toll Gate $5 for $10*fs*
Chateau L'acadienne $8*fs*
Victorian Lady $8ea
Loose Caboose
a few nice chips
row 2 chip 4
A Page A Day
- vegas ferris wheel
- There moving along with Ferris wheel
Casino Collectibles Day-319
- Re: Allan I think your email has been hacked
- Re: Got it? OK... That's Good.
NCR ~ Wednesday Humor, November 20th...
- i though it was flatulation. my bad
- Hotrod of the day for 11-20-13...NCR
- The world will little note..
- Re: The world will little note..
Xmas, for the smoker on your list
- Red one is gone. Orange still available
- The next time you're out rowboating ~~~
- Do I have all the colors?
- Just my opinion -- probably 10 to 12 colors.
- There are other colors
- Re: There are other colors
- Re: There are other colors
- I have a black one (or maybe dark navy)
New Nevada Chips
- Check email please
- All chips have been received!! Thanks!!
- Tropicana NEW release $1 chip in Oct
- St Thomas
- Are you sure there are chips?
- Re: Are you sure there are chips?
- Re: Are you sure there are chips?
- Re: Are you sure there are chips?
- Re: Are you sure there are chips?
- I don't know if the examples at ChipGuide are ~~~
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
- Very Late Reply
- Re: Very Late Reply
- NCR: I have a NIB PS4 for sale
LAKE TAHOE "Chips of the Day"...
- They know how to make good looking chips in Tahoe
- Very nice selection of chips and pictures
- We look forward to your posts!!
- Beautiful chips!!!!
- "Nevada, a devbt free state"
- I mean "debt free"
- AHHHHH when life was simpler!!!
- Frank great pic's., also fun to see the old cars
- Just Listed HTF $5 Cove Hotel on eBay
- $25 Stardust 4th Iss Las Vegas Chip
- C.W. Rice....
- Re: C.W. Rice....
- Re: C.W. Rice....
- Re: C.W. Rice....
- Re: C.W. Rice....
- Re: C.W. Rice....
- Re: C.W. Rice....
- Re: C.W. Rice....
- Your box must be from 40's or 50's, Doug
- Re: Your box must be from 40's or 50's, Doug
- Don..thanks for the info!!
- That's great Doug!! It should help
- Anyone have this BPOE c&s??
- NCR-Happy Birthday Kaitlyn my daughter of 15
- 15! Wow! Such a tough age for the both of you...
- Hey, did I mention "boys"?
- please dont mention that 4 letter word
- Very nice Rick, thanks for sharing
- A future chipper rick. Very good
- Re: NCR-Happy Birthday Kaitlyn my daughter of 15
- Wish Her a Happy Birthday From Me
- Happy Birthday Kaitlyn !!!
- Happy Birthday!!
- Re: NCR-Happy Birthday Kaitlyn my daughter of 15
- Happy Birthday, Kaitlyn! Just think...
- Re: NCR-Happy Birthday Kaitlyn my daughter of 15
- Happy Birthday Kaitlyn
- Happy Birthday
- Happy Birthday Kaitlyn!
- happy birthday from up north
- will do Paland say HEY to Tonya
- Re: NCR-Happy Birthday Kaitlyn my daughter of 15
- Re: Happy Birthday Kaitlyn!!
- Happy Birthday Kaitlyn - Happy 15th
11 World Poker Open Casino Chips $1 each
A Page A Day
- IDK there were two different $1 red and blue
# 7
- Flamingo/Hilton bird chips
a few nice chips
NCR ~ Happy Birthday, Jay Sands...
Happy Birthday, Jay
Happy Birthday, Jay
Happy Birthday Jay
- Happy Birthday Jay!
- Happy Birthday Jay, have a great day.
- Re: Happy Birthday Jay, have a great day.
- Happy Birthday Jay!
- Happy Birthday, Jay
- Have a Happy Birthday, Jay!
- Hey Jay! Happy B-Day!!!
- Happy Birthday Jay
- Happy Birthday, Jay
Happy Birthday, MISTER Sands
- Re:
Happy Birthday, MISTER Sands
- Happy Birthday Yo
- Happy Birthday Mr. Sands
- Happy Birthday Jay !!!
- Happy Birthday !!
- Re:
NCR ~ Happy Birthday, Jay Sands...
- Happy Birthday, Jay
- Happy Birthday, Jay
- Happy Birthday, Jay Sands - Have an awesome day!
- You scared me Phyllis!!
- Happy Birthday Jay!
- Thanks for the Birthday wishes...
Assorted chips $1 over face
- Email sent...Thanks
2 Bonanza chips
- Re: Allan your eMail has been hacked...
Casino Collectibles Day=318
- Casino Collectibles a couple more
- To whomever I sold the San Remo ~~~
- To whomever I sold this to:
- Drilled vs. Not Drilled
- NCR: HEY! How does e-bay work?
- Re: NCR: HEY! How does e-bay work?
- Re: NCR: HEY! How does e-bay work?
- Re: NCR: HEY! How does e-bay work?
- Re: EBay bidding
- Not easy to explain...but it has happened to MANY
- Thank You everyone. Now I get it.
- One more thing to consider
- test #3
- What are we testing??????
NCR ~ Tuesday Humor, November 19th...
- Testing #2
Congrats to the winner. Thanks for the contest
- Congrats Doc! You got in there! Thanks also...
- Congratulations to the winner.
- Paypal scam..??
- Re: Paypal scam..??
- Re: Paypal scam..??
- Re: Paypal scam..??
- Re: Thanks Pam..
- Re: From PayPal
- Re: Good job!
- Testing
- Hotrod of the day for 11-19-13...NCR
My one and a half cents, Nov. 19th...
- Nice Ford Flat Head Installed
- Just a test
- test completed, nice stuff
- More on the Osborne CIC chips: Sahara Reno 100
- Re: More on the Osborne CIC chips: Sahara Reno 100
- Re: More on the Osborne CIC chips: Sahara Reno 100
- Re: More on the Osborne CIC chips: Sahara Reno 100
- Re: More on the Osborne CIC chips: Sahara Reno 100
- MOP wet chip set?
- Only thing "wet" is the paint still drying.
- Nacre... l'Casino-Eden - TROUVILLE
- An example as to how chips travel...
- Sorry, not for sale; ChipGuide info, only
More Las Vegas M's
- Got Mine Today - Another Fantastic Job
Calendar arrived! Great job!!
- Re: Ditto!
- calendar received!
Do You Have Any Of These Chips?
49'er club $25.00 chip look
- $33.00 shipped to your door. LQQK
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
Newer Aquisitions
all HD's are sold
- Is PayPal Down?
- Re: working for me
- Site is up... Stock is down 1% (ebay)
Lola's Card Room
- what has this old $5 Flamingo sold for in ......
- There's one in the Heritage Auction that happens
- Re:Thanks Steve good info anyone else?
- Any info on this chip ???
- Re: Any info on this chip ???
- NEED 2&1/2 X 2&1/2 Cardboard Flips
- Re: NEED 2&1/2 X 2&1/2 Cardboard Flips
- Thanks Bill
- If anyone needs 2 1/2 X 2 1/2 oversize Cardboard
- Saga of .50 Horseshoe IA
- In COLLECTING the GOOD stuff is always GOOD!!!
- Re: In COLLECTING the GOOD stuff is always GOOD!!!
- Hi Rich I have never sold a single Crest & Seal
- I wood really like 2 know if these are cashable
- if these are cashable
- send me an email so i can get it straight
- i sent 4 email, they bounced came back
- i tried 4 times more & your email comes back
- Re:you can cash all FQ chips
- thanks
- Even those black and red quarters?...
- Re: I doubt anyone will cash in a 25c chip
- I'll cash the quarter chips.
- Re:you can cash all FQ chips
- Re:you can cash all FQ chips
- Re: I wood really like 2 know if these are cashabl
Engraved Numbers
Casino Collectibles Day-317
- Casino Collectibles a few more
- Is that an old poster?
- Re: Is that an old poster?
- A must have CHIP for the ILLEGAL collector
- Pops Oasis - Jean Personal Chip for The Chip Board
- Reverse Side of Chip
- I will open it up at $10.00!
- Thank You, Jim!
- BID - $ 15.00
- AND Thank You, Michael!
- $30
- Congrats to Stu..He Wins!
- Silver Strikes For Sale.
- Las Vegas Chips For Sale
- Re: Sold 1st chip in row 1
- Golden Nugget
- Re: Golden Nugget Dishes
- Your email kicked back
- Re: Your email kicked back
LAKE TAHOE "Chips of the Day"...
- Beautiful Set of chips, Frank!!!
- Re: Thanks Rich, I've always liked 'em a lot ...
- $5 Golden Nugget 7th Iss Las Vegas Chip
a few nice chips
row 2 chip 2
A Page A Day
c. 1900 "Royal Poker Set" ends 1130 PM ET
for $199
- Harrah's road trip
- Wanted: Playing Cards Book 1
- Do you have any Caribbean playing cards to trade?
- NCR: Rock 'n Roll Marathon Video
- Thanks Rob for the video, also nice find
- Re: Thanks Rob for the video, also nice find
- Re: Thanks Rob for the video, also nice find
- Re: NCR: Rock 'n Roll Marathon Video
- Thanks Jim, you probably remember...
- Rob, I remember riding the train to Las Vegas.....
- train to Las Vegas.....that's great!!!
NCR ~ Monday Humor, November 18th...
- WIN this CHIP is CLOSED winner tomorrow 7pm PST
- $379.21
Hacienda $1 "U" value Chip
- Yahoo
- Re: Yahoo
- Re: Yahoo
- Re: Yahoo
- Re: Windows 8 frustration
- Re: Yahoo
- Re: Yahoo
- Hotrod of the day for 11-18-13...NCR
- Re: Hotrod of the day for 11-18-13...NCR
- 1968? I was thinking Stainless Steel
NCR ~ My one and a half cents - Nov. 18th...
- Re:
NCR ~ My one and a half cents - Nov. 18th.
- Re:
NCR ~ My one and a half cents - Nov. 18th.
- Another big batch of chips and tokens...
- Today's Find - Nice Crest & Seals
- Very nice chips!!
- Re: Nice score Charles !!!
- MAX Casino $5 LTD to 500 chips
- You should check out some of my previous posts
MAX Casino $5 LTD to 500 chips
- a few nice Nevada end in an hour dont miss out.
- edge spot makers saleman's kit
I will take it
- NEW OPENING - Aspers Casino in Milton Keyney, UK
- these are a nice lot from 1 casino
- sold sold
- Beautiful set! Sorry I missed it.
- hear is what's left
- this one has to go
- ok U win
- chips that are not whole
If available
- sold paypal ok or email me for address & cash
take them all for #2
- Today's finds...
- cool dice! nice find
- Thank You Rick...
- i think so,if not you can make it
- Re: JD Hub
- Thank you Gene!
- Nice Silver Club Chips!
- Thank you Rich..
- Nope, Just Visiting Family in Truckee
- Re: Very nice!
- Thank you Pam..
- Again.. Thank you..Mr/Mrs Smith
- More great finds Jay
- Thank you David!
- Who is sort of in charge of the Submission link ?
- Re: Who is sort of in charge of the Submission lin
- relisted
but no extra photos
- $1 each is not good to start the bidding?
- help R these chip's still a-live 4 Queens plaque
Mega Millions jackpot is $165 million dollars
- Mega Hopes, Bob! Thanks!
- Thank you ... Very much
- slot glass, the nice ones
My two contest winners are revealed.
- Thanks for the contest
- Thanks Bob
- Thanks, cannot wait to have the chip
Final Day! Valley Inn Casino $5 Chip...
- RLT 1 New Frontier Cream Las Vegas Chip
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
$1 chips
.5c chip
- As a retired math teacher I just can't ....
- Lots and lots of casino chips include both
- Re: As a retired math teacher I just can't ....
- Re:
Today: Las Vegas M's
- in your secret heart U want this set
- ill take em for 12 shipped
- have a couple more set's sold one thanks
- Sold if any more left.
- sent invoice U send D $$$
- Re: sent invoice U send D $$$
- yes sent ya a bill
- a sleeper deal with a surprice
- Re: a sleeper deal with a surprice
- how can i say no to a gary "sold"
- Chicago, Indianapolis Face Significant Tornado Thr
- its past Plainfield IL and moving fast PDS
- 281.80 ty
- GUESS deadline tonight at 8pm PST GOOD LUCK 2 all
- $221 - Thanks!
- $240.00 Thanks Steve!
- $294.06
- Caesars Palace Planet Hollywood chips
- I'll take them, don, if still available
- SteveB gets the two Planets
- When TCR catalog numbers change
- Re: When TCR catalog numbers change
- Re: When TCR catalog numbers change
- Jay pls read
When TCR catalog numbers change
$1 chips
- all 9 chips
from 1 casino
- Belt buckle
- paypal is ok
- set of "3" coin in center chip set 4 only
- Silver Eagle for sale or trade
- SOLD!!!
- whoo take a zero off & U have a gr8 deal
- A few thoughts on recent Ebay bidder experiences
- Doug -- I have tendered offers for less than 50%
- Thanks for the input Steve. I never considered
- My experience with offers
- Thanks Paul.
- Re: A few thoughts on recent Ebay bidder experienc
- Pam, Me personally the answer is probably
- People are strange...
- Re: A few thoughts on recent Ebay bidder experienc
- I understand 100% what you're saying, but the ~~~
- I've done a few offers ...
- Welcome to feebay Doug
- $25 4 one $25 for 2
- better the GR8 deal hear
ya's gota look
- I just listed on
first time in years!
- This is how i would title
- Re: I just listed on
first time in years!
- How do I cancel?
- Link to discussion on cancelling auction with bids
- Re: How do I cancel?
- i dont see it
- You can't remove items you have a bid on or are cu
- Re: I just listed on
first time in years!
- Re: I just listed on
first time in years!
- Re: I just listed on
first time in years!
- I Agree, Lots of Pictures
- Rick emal me....I will give you my phone number
- i think i found it
- TY so much for all the help
Favorite Of The Week - Christmas - Week 78
$5 chip's @ $5 ea.. whooo is that right
Ebay Items ending tonight
- Newer Chips
- I Will Take Them Ed
- Re: Newer Chips
- OMG a deal even I can't believe
- Is Part Of Your Deal Available?
- one deal sold R 2 left
- Thanks For The Chip...
- ok and Thanks For The help with the rent
- Re: OMG a deal even I can't believe
- yes it is, sent ya a bill
- a suppperrr error chip
- Pizza pizza
Indian Casino Cards
- Any interest in a rack of 100 NV fractionals
- the great bear chip
really neat
- take ummm al for $10.00 woww what a deal tks skip
- brand spanking new Las Vegas Club
Sahara, Las Vegas plaques
- *wd * *ft upgrade these
chips below face
- Wolcott Ivory Chips
- $5 Las Vegas Club 12th Iss Casino Chip
A Page A Day
New Nevada Chips
#5's, 13 15
- very rare 4 Queens ncv
- all sold
take them all for
Some Ending Today...
Casino Collectibles- Day-316
- Re:
Casino Collectibles- Day-316
- Casino Collectibles a few more
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- Re:
2013 Downtown Grand NCV Original Member
- Re:
2013 Downtown Grand NCV Original Member
- Tropicana Notched $5000
- Re: Tropicana Notched $5000
- Help Jay Sands & Albert Scalzo celebrate birthday
- Soon, very soon! Albert Scalzo celebrate birthday
- *NCR* Estate sale find National Banknote
- My EXTREMELY rare bill
- I am looking for a Bank Note from Fresno
- VERY nice!!
- Re: *NCR* Estate sale find National Banknote
- Re: *NCR* Estate sale find National Banknote
Better Barona (CA) Chips
Misc Sample & Promo Chips
- Hotrod of the day for 11-17-13...NCR
- Re: Hotrod of the day for 11-17-13...NCR
- Great windshield and wheels!
My one and a half cents - November 17...
- Older Nevada fractionals and dollars on
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
want one for only $2
- Need help w/ chip
- Re: Need help w/ chip
- Here's The Answer....
- Thank you for the help.
- NCR: My opinion on the healthcare issue.....
- I agree 643
- I agree 473 r-7745
- I Agree #333
- I agree 555
- I agree... 172
- I agree 425
- I Agree...324
- I AGREE 729....R-8248
- I Agree - #243
- I agree 747
- You are so right. #222
- 3-7-9.....R-2521
- I agree too... 435
- I agree 357
- I agree 289
- I agree 200
- I agree - 146
- I Agree - 183
The contest is closed. No more entries.
- funny, very few guesses over 500
- Re:
The contest is closed. No more entries.
- Happy 50th. You would have lost on either guess.
- I agree 171 # R-8405 #
- Re: NCR: My opinion on the healthcare issue.....
- Creeping around vegas new MGM sign
- Aberdeen Chips
- The thermometer ends tomorrow
- Re: shhhhhhh...don't tell!!
- its been in my watch column since the start
- Re: awwww...Thanks, Rick!
- nope no PR for me
- Two Chips Listed on eBay
- NCR WINE lovers only interview with our son Tegan
- Hotrod of the day for 11-22-13...NCR
- Re: Hotrod of the day for 11-22-13...NCR
- you took the words out of my mouth !
- 11-22-13.. is next Friday
- Re: 11-22-13.. is next Friday
- Re: 11-22-13.. is next Friday
- Really want this chipfor Xmas gift...
- Sea Princess???
Las Vegas - L-M
- Re:
Las Vegas - L-M
- Correction
- Re: I will take $1 Lucky Slots and $5 Frontier
- NEW SNAPPER RELEASED at Genting London Chinatown
El San Juan $25 Baccarat jeton/chip
Calif. Casino Mono Wind Cards
WIN this CHIP update, R U in?
- $237.50
- $260.00 Thanks Steve
Both Steves R now on the list
- $203.11
- $314.57
- $288.39 Thanks for the Fun!
- $189.00
- $205.99
- $307.70
take them all for
- Club Calendar Arrived
- i can'y wait !
- Creeping around vegas driving past encore
- Keep on Creeping Joe
- $1 Thunderbird 6th Iss Las Vegas Chip
- Adam you are one crazy cat...
Set of 3
- Boardwalk regency obsolete chips
- great stuff
hear and now
- Received Some Nice Chips This Week
3 Silver Clad $2 Tokens
- Trump plaza obsolete roulette chips
- any help appreciated....
- Re: any help appreciated....
- Re: any help appreciated....
- Any Help Appreciated...
- Re: Any Help Appreciated...
- his and hers casino set
- rare token and chip
plus chips
Some New Items Listed
- $234.56
- $280.88 Thanks for the fun
- javascript:insertTags("*wd*");Articles For Spring
New Nevada Chips
- NCR- Jackie Gaughan Plaza Jacket L
- Link not working for me
- Re: Link not working for me
- Two different things
- Re: Two different things
- $1 Silver Slipper 7th Iss Las Vegas Chip
A Page A Day
- Re:
A Page A Day
- Old Agua Caliente Roulette table
- Max Casino GO chips, D NCVs, others ending on
- Re: $235.00
- Re: $128.52
- Re: oops....wrong chip...wrong guess
a few nice chips
- Looking for these chips..
- I'm not sure...
Casino Collectibles-Day-315
- I have some more I haven't shown...so...
- Re: I have some more I haven't shown...so...
- General information: For ChipGuide; Jaragua, R.D.
- Re: Sorry John, Jaragua opened early 50's
- This is what I read in Guide International Casinos
- Jaragua has management changes and renovations
- Some of the world's most beautiful deposits of ~~~
- What's going on with nice chips lately?
- Because we like the good stuff
- Re: 2014 Convention ad ... just saw it today
- Re: 2014 Convention ad ... just saw it today
Santin Sample Chips
Set of ICON Sample Chips
- Hotrod of the day for 11-16-13...NCR
- Guess the weight?
- Chip ID help?
- I think they are Do Not Know chips
- D o NK y Chips?
- Should be of interest; LionHead chip collectors
- Can you also promise Skip...
- $310.99 nice chip! thnx
$5 Sheraton Casino Sydney Nova Scotia
- Re:
$5 Sheraton Casino Sydney Nova Scotia *f
$5 TOKEN Sheraton Casino Sydney Nova Scotia
- Re:
$5 TOKEN Sheraton Casino Sydney Nova Sco
Dunes & Westward HO NCV
NCV Karls Silver Club
- Who, what, where is "LV" (THE WHY PART I KNOW)?
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
- $219.99
- Hi Roy U R in, good luck
- Las Vegas Club
- I still have this incredible package
- Club Cal-Neva Free Drink Tokens
- Re: Club Cal-Neva Free Drink Tokens
- A few more
- Warning about my Book: Mob City
- Re: Warning about my Book: Mob City
- Thanks for the kind words
- anyone has50USD+ in the pokerstars account?
- Chips for sale on eBay
- Re:I would like to see them too
Las Vegas L's
- Re:
Las Vegas L's
blue oversized NCV 25 Golden Gate
- i will take it
to Rick Riverboatman
- Today, its Rick Goldengateman