Hooters Table 2 Roulettes
- Personal chip of the day
- NCR Anger
NCR ~ Saturday Humor... 1:58 AM, EDT
- I am on a MISSION!!!!
Excalibur Set still available
23 $1 Chips from Peru-Panama-Uruguay
Bellagio Roulettes Reduced
- Preserved NV State history, Gaming Table Edit?
$25 Plantation Station
rare, clay, antique poker chip set of 3 PDFY
- Re:
rare, clay, antique poker chip set of 3 P
- Re:
rare, clay, antique poker chip set of 3 P
- Chocolate easter bunny cheer
That Just Ain't Right!!!!
- Thanks for the Post Rick...
Casey Jones
- Thank You John!! That is COOL!!!,,
- Better Nevada chips
- U.K. chips
- $10 each
- Nevada chips
- $15 each
- Nevada chips
- $10 each
- All gone!
- Today's Snapper
- Chip for Today
Cactus Petes, Jackpot ncvs
- Re: I'll take a set..see e-mail.
- Ok. Didnt see the email. Never mind that, just
- Only TWO sets left.
Fiesta Casino Benavides LIMA PERU
- Janice's Slot Card Collection-Day 13 & 14
- New CBS Poll-BO TANKS!!!!
- Re: New CBS Poll-BO TANKS!!!!
- Re: New CBS Poll-BO TANKS!!!!
- Re: Did you see this?
- Re: Did you see this?
- Re: Did you see this?
- Check this out: A little thrift shop in Prescott
- That is cool...
- What's a Poll-bo?
- Mark Twain Say's
- Re: New CBS Poll-BO TANKS!!!!
BIG SALE coming for Easter Weekend
- CCGTCC Membership Packet ?
- A new member packet includes...
Abe Lincoln or Bill Murry?
- Baseball..hey Judy W., how awesome is this?
- Very cool!!!!! I didn't make it down to
Hard Rock 2006 Fouth of July
Lake Tahoe--Cal Neva Lodge
- Re:
Lake Tahoe--Cal Neva Lodge
- Re:
Lake Tahoe--Cal Neva Lodge
- Re:
Lake Tahoe--Cloud's Cal Neva
- Love the posts Pam - Thanks....
- Re: Love the posts Pam - Thanks....
- Thanks, Pam! I'm Going To Miss The Cal-Neva!!
- Re: You're welcome
- Great Job Pam!!!
- Re: Thanks, John!
- Thank you Pam,,,,,
- Re: Thanks Mark!
- Re:
Lake Tahoe--Cal Neva Lodge
- Re:
Lake Tahoe--Cal Neva Lodge
- Re:
Lake Tahoe--Cal Neva Lodge
- Re:
Lake Tahoe--Cal Neva Lodge
- Re:
Lake Tahoe--Cal Neva Lodge
- Re:
Lake Tahoe--Cal Neva Lodge
- Re:
Lake Tahoe--Cal Neva Lodge
- Re:
Lake Tahoe--Cal Neva Lodge
Survivor Update
Hard Rock 1998 Halloween
Hard Rock 2006 April Fools
Hard Rock Fairway to Heaven 2005
- email sent
Hard Rock 2007 Cinco De Mayo
MISC Chips "Price is right"
Auction #6 Greg Susong Memorial Award
- I Will Bid $50
- Thank you
- $77.77
- And thank you Doug.
Auction #5 Greg Susong Memorial Award
- Re:
Auction #5 Greg Susong Memorial Award *ex
- Thank you.
- Blind man sets speed record in Ferrari.
- Obvious; he never saw the Speed Limit signs.
- LMAO!!!!!
Sorry But That was Funny!!
- Every time I leave the house I come across
- Yes, but we have an additional problem as well ~~~
- Re: Yes, but we have an additional problem as well
- The CCGT&CC Has Gone to the DOGS!!
- Re: The CCGT&CC Has Gone to the DOGS!!
Looks like an honest face to me!
- I would take a,,,,,
- Re:
That's AWESOME!!! ...
- It's unconditional...
- The CCGT&CC Has Gone to the DOGS!!
- I Think My "Little Jack",,,,,
- Re: The CCGT&CC Has Gone to the DOGS!!
- That's Nice Mike but MY Dog was PET of the YEAR!
- That Is Very COOL!!,, Thanks for Sharing!!
- Hard Rock Octagons...
- Two other new additions...
- Very Nice!!
- SWEET!!!!!! Thanks for Sharing!!,,
canceled $25 King of Clubs
Anyone Interested NCV Gold Dust
- (NCR) How to Make a Chocolate Easter Bunny...
- I thought you just dipped the rabbit in a
- First you have to run over it
- Actually, you need a...
- Doesnt work. Chocolate does not get hot enough to
- Fur adds flavour! It should stay!
- You have to be kidding. What do bears use to wipe
- Re: You have to be kidding. What do bears use to w
- Rare Personal Chip - Brass Core
- I think you remembered wrong - only 3 made
- I really should start writing stuff down
- I NEED ONE!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!,,
- Pie Chips
- 1/4 Pie Example
- More examples....
- Re: Pie Chips
- Don, a trick that works on some...
- 1/2 pie chips
- Re: 1/4 pie chips
- Tri-Color Quarter Pie, Suicide King
- Re: 1/2 pie chips
- Thanks...If you should ever decide to
- Re: Pie Chips
LaRue $100 for Greg Susong Memorial Fund
- I will start the bidding at $50... Do I hear $75 ?
- $75
- Thanks Greg !!!! Bid now at $75
- $125
- That was fast, Thanks Tom - Bid now at $125 !!!!
- Thank you Doug!
- Your very welcome Mike. I think everyone who knew
- Doug. Lets refer to this as Auction #4 as Mike
- Thanks, Doug!
- Business Card of the Day..
- Picture1..front
- Picture2..front
- Picture3..Implosion.
- Picture4..empty lot
- Picture5..chips
- Slots A Fun-Almost complete
- Re: Slots A Fun-Almost complete
- Cause its lots A Fun-!!
4 Nevada chips #4a - FREE shipping !!
- Bellagio $10 chip , Please
4 Nevada chips #3a - FREE shipping !!
4 Nevada chips #2a - FREE shipping !!
- The Mail Man was very nice to me today
4 Nevada chips #1a - FREE shipping !!
- Hotel Riverside - SOLD
San Antonio trade session
- Send me an email
- It will be at...
6 more Nevada Chips
- Riverside & prospector Sold, thanks Rich
- both hotel Nevada :sold, thanks Steve
- Harvey's $1 chip SOLD, thanks
- Trying to complete this set...
6 Better Nevada Chips
- 20% off sale
Four Queens Roulette
Set of the Day
- Chip ID - I've seen smaller denoms but...
- Re: Chip ID - I've seen smaller denoms but...
- Many Thanks, Gene!
- Hey Ruben ...
A Page a Day
- Thirty three great Nevada chips ending on Sunday..
- Only one week until the St Louis Trade Session!!
- I'll be in St. Louis but hope I can't make it!
- Re: I'll be in St. Louis but hope I can't make it!
NCR ~ My one and a half cents...
- Excalibur set price reduced
- I'll take the Set if Still Available
- Re: Excalibur set SOLD
Hooters Table 2 Roulette
Hooters Table 1 Roulette
- SOLD If still available
Hooters Table 1 Roulette
- What! No windows?
- Dont Be Late 78 Days to go for
- Were working together AGAIN
- sounds great to me Tommy!......
Primadonna RLT2
- NCR - Office Surprise comics
- Morgan Stanley bails out of its stake in Atlantic
- I heard Wynn may buy it???!!!
- I thought Wynn had enough with AC?
- Yes... but if the deal is right!
- I guess it's true: money talks, BS walks!
- I cant find it in the AC press. maybe tomorrow?
- Wynn left A.C. because ...
- Re: Wynn left A.C. because ...
- Thanks for the info, Archie.
- Here's the story.
- Wow ... that's exciting!
- Any Date Set For Pa. Table Games
- Re: Any Date Set For Pa. Table Games
- Harrah's Chester, 4th of July!
At this very moment...
- Don't Believe I Will Be Collecting Them
- Hooters Hotel Casino May Not Survive
- Well with their attitude and how small their
- Arent you out of uniform
- How will those poor girls make a living?
Well, if that's true...
- They've Been On The Brink Since They Opened
And you? With that photo...
Dunes pin
- back of pin
- Wanted Lucky Club Roulette
- Wanted Gold Spike Single Roulette chip
- Personal chip of the day
- I have some of my personal chips to trade
- Morgan Stanley pulls up stakes on Revel A.C.
- Perhaps Ichan might be interested?
- Re: Perhaps Ichan might be interested?
- Re: Perhaps BO might be interested?
- Wynn? Rumor but cant find it on AC Press...
- Janice's Slot Card Collection
Excalibur Table 6 Roulettes
Bellagio Table B Roulettes
- Re:
Bellagio Table B Roulettes
NCR ~ Friday Humor (Mature)... 1:10 AM, EDT
Alize Roulettes
- email sent
Alize Roulettes
Spacequest Roulettes
- email sent
Spacequest Roulettes
- Halloween comes early this year!!!
- Very cool Deb. Email sent.
- I want one!!!!! Pretty please?
- Awesome....
- Very Nice
- Re: Very Nice
- Re: Halloween comes early this year!!!
- Awesome! As always!
- BOO I hope you have my addrese
- Re: BOO I hope you have my addrese
- Where is the spam list?
- Never mind I found the word
- Not on Naughty word lis! The problem is....
- Re: Not on Naughty word lis! The problem is....
My one and a half cents...
- There is a new fix...
- Better Nevada chips
- Re: Better Nevada chips
- Hard Rock April Fool's day chip
- 1K
- But only 500 released to public...
- IN STORAGE.............
- Re: Hard Rock April Fool's day chip
More GO Chips Listed on Ebay
- Re:
Whoops, Auctions will start tomorrow
- Horseshoe Tunica $4 Drop Chip
- 'Bondage-gate' spurs donor drain for RNC
- 'Bondage-gate' is one of Kruse's places I think
$100 Hard Rock chips
- I will take the Van morrison
Thanks, David
- BTW, 1, 2, 3
- 1 - YOURS!!, 2 - How much?, 3 - NO!!
- See email.
- And if no one has taken the Tom Petty by now
- They're both yours, David. Thanks!!
Nevada chips #4 - Free Shipping !!
Nevada chips #3 - FREE shipping !!
- Re:
Nevada chips #3 - FREE shipping !!
- Re:
Nevada chips #3 - FREE shipping !!
- Sold
- The offer still stands
Lady Luck Set of 11-millennium series - Iowa
- Lady Luck Set is Sold
- Cal Neva in Paper Today
- Question about Mint Casino Metal
Topaz Lake/Gardnerville--Topaz Lodge
- Re:
Topaz Lake/Gardnerville--Topaz Lodge *r
- Re:
Topaz Lake/Gardnerville--Topaz Lodge *r
- Can tomorrow be CAL NEVA memorial day? Please
- Re:
Good idea,
but I already...
- AZ $25's available
- Please Forgive Me
- You are forgiven
NCR:Any Slot Glass collectors?
- I have bought slot glass as little as
- Thanks Rick!
- Tracy, I would say that glass is worth about $20.
- Thanks Doug!! Big help.
- I WANT BUT Cannot Afford,,,,
- I've got a Palace Station Slot Glass
- Always cool when you get a bargain
- Happy For You Ruben!!,, Take Care,,
- And Doug knows slot glass!
- Im STill Trying To Catch Up W/ Doug
- I love that Riverboat and Golden Nugget Barry
- Re:
NCR:Any Slot Glass collectors?
- Thank you Archie!
- Great boxing slot glass I have
8 Nice N. Nevada Chips
- Ta-Neva-Ho is a $5 chip
- Cal-Neva casino closed down
- Re: Cal-Neva Tunnel pictures
Chicagoland Chip Meeting in Indiana !
- Re:
Chicagoland Chip Meeting in Indiana !
- Re:
Chicagoland Chip Meeting in Indiana !
- Shame on you Sheldon using those type of words
- Re: Shame on you Sheldon using those type of words
- hey Shellyand Chris you are Welcome Anytime
- Re: hey Shellyand Chris you are Welcome Anytime
- Re:
Chicagoland Chip Meeting in Indiana !
- Cool Beans Mike-- thanks
- Re:
Chicagoland Chip Meeting in Indiana !
- If we organize and pay dues, somone
- Meeting in Indiana ! (MAP)
- Pete, that would be great!!!
- Excellent idea Pete! Rest stop and chips
- Any help on ID's would be appreciated.
- The Oasis - San Miguel, CA
- NCR- My friend won a Willie Nelson look a like..
- Is that your friend or Willie??
- Wow Tarl! That looks like Willie
Las Vegas Club chips
Hilton room keys
$5 Stateline Incused CIC
Slots-A-Fun $5 Die/Suits ROT version
- Please keep us posted, Tim...
- Thanks Jay, I didn't know that
- So you are looking for one...
- Is that real or photoshopped, Jim?
- Jay, a little April Fool's phun!...
- Jay, I emailed Jim too about that picture
- NCR Tiger Woods the rest of the story
- BTW, how old is Monica Lewinsky, now ?
- Monica says that she's voting Republican ...
- Comeon Archie....she really didn't say that.....
- Want proof Jim???
78 to go!!!! WOOOOOOoooooo!!!
RTTMWFT & Unfinished Sets Needs
- Re:
RTTMWFT & Unfinished Sets Needs
- Thanks Joel
Wildhorse Set
- Re:
Wildhorse Set $35
$1 LOT Slots A Fun
- Re:
$1 LOT Slots A Fun
- Thanks Vic!
- Re:
Unusual 5c In Trade WAVECREST mold
- Great Falls, MT 1940's to 1960's
- Re: Great Falls, MT 1940's to 1960's
- Chip has been sold
- Peppermill Reno/Wendvr Question ???
- Re: Peppermill Reno/Wendvr Question ???
Unusual 8-suits reverse inlay mold
- NCR Florida is getting into the OIL business!
- Change, Change, Change....
- Re: Change, Change, Change....
- Re: Change, Change, Change....
The USA has more oil inside....
- Finally... This I really like.
- A Mold you may not have seen before
- Penicillin?
- The Lucky Charms Mold?
- They are magically delicious!! LOL
- Best Offer - TRKing sample chip. Last Call...
- This offer is closed. Thank you!
Nevada chips #2 - FREE shipping !!
- email sent!
MGM Grand, LV VIP room key
- Don, wanna trade for this?...
See email
Mapes $5 silk screened, SMKEY, ConcCircles
Nevada chips - FREE shiping !!
- email sent
- These three sold, 9 left.
- chip id
- It is Unknown, a UFC
- Business Card of the Day..
- Picture1..wide angle view
- Picture2..map..where is it
- Picture3..marina & pool
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
Short Issue $5 HR April Fool's
- Just Paid For 1 Thank you Chuck
- I have not seen my mail yet
What happened to the other 500?
$103 million dollar Powerball drawing!!!
- Thanks as always!!
- Thanks Bob and Mike!
- Thank You
- Thanks As Always Bob
- Please add this newbie to the list! Thanks Bob!!
- James - you are in. Welcome to the club.
- Re:
$103 million dollar Powerball drawing!!!
$25 Palace Station CIC
NCR:Atlantis Reno VIP Guest badge
- Sold
NCR ~ Maxine's Viewpoint on April Fools' Day..
Set of the Day
- Re:
Set of the Day
100FR & 500FR Casino De Deauville
A Page a Day
- Re:
A Page a Day
- Re:
A Page a Day
- a much better scan, thanks, Reg
- Re: a much better scan, thanks, Reg
- at least the wheels are ok
- LOL yes chrome rev is always good
- NCR - Office Surprise comics
- NCR ---- Ernie Norgard R-4634
- Re: NCR ---- Ernie Norgard R-4634
- Re: NCR ---- Ernie Norgard R-4634
- Ernie Knows how to hook the big fish!
- Estate sale question?
- DAMN! My brain is still warming up
- They done did me better one year
I'd have been squirming all over my seat
- I feel so ashamed
- Re: I feel so ashamed
- Those are the best ones. I once bought a rack from
- Re: Those are the best ones. I once bought a rack
- Re: Those are the best ones. I once bought a rack
- FYI: I just about wet myself when I read this!
- Oh Man! You are Killin' Me!
- Re: Estate sale question?
- I need both crescent and stars!
- Roy, It might happen at YOUR Estate Sale
- Or at a show where you have three of the ~~~
- Re: Roy, It might happen at YOUR Estate Sale
- Anymore of those books?
- Re: Anymore of those books?
Hi Roy, I am a big fan of your art work
- shame on you Roy, you got me too
Good One Roy!
Hard Rock Chips $6.50 ea.
- Re:
Hard Rock Chips $6.50 ea.
"Roll Dem Laughin Bones" 2002 Halloween
"Have a Holly Jolly Xmas" Xmas 2002
"So this is Xmas" Xmas 2001
"CooP" Bottom Row, 2nd from Right
Pair of California Chips
- Personal chip of the day
NCR ~ Thursday Humor (Mature) 12:24 AM, EDT
- Which car is yours Ralph?
- Nevada chips
- mob museum opens in vegas next year
Nice Antique Chips
- & 99 Cent Chip Sale Here
- New issue $100 Riviera wanted...
- Phone David right now - he is there
- Called him just before your email...
- Re: Called him just before your email...
- Will talk to him today...
- And I need one as well.
- Terry has a rack of them!
- I thought he had a box full?
- AC still seeking Legalized Sports Gambling
- Sports betting might be the answer
- Kasino Zoppot Dauerkarte (Entry Card) 1933
- We had a club member years ago who specialized ~~
- Re: We had a club member years ago who specialized
- Thanks. It's Benedict@webtv.net
- Re: Thanks. It's Benedict@webtv.net
- Re: Thanks. It's Benedict@webtv.net
Puerto Rico going off 4 the next 1 1/2 hours
- Here is the update from Andy
- they just posted the other day
NCR:A few Route tokens from Vegas
- Question
- A simplified definition...
- Re: A simplified definition...
- NEW bahamas Slot Cards listed !
- NCR Anyone familiar with Soviet badges?
- Re: NCR Anyone familiar with Soviet badges?
- Re: NCR Anyone familiar with Soviet badges?
- CCCP may/may not be Soviet!!!!
- Farrah chip set
- Re: Farrah chip set SOLD
- Excalibur chip set
50c Landmark
- make an offer, I am easy
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- Nice, wish I had the $$
- Me TOO!!!!!!!!
,,,,Very Nice General!!,,
- I will take both for $100
- Rick - Don't look like 10¢ chips to me
- Dammit, i missed them,
California chips
- the other side
- Mountain Club chips Sold, thanks
- (NCR) Michel Legrand special taped at MGM Grand
SCARCE $1 Cruise Ship chips
UNLISTED Caribbean Tournament chip
- Found a couple Cubans today
- Could they speak English?
- Did you smoke them ?
- You were out on W. 8th Street, again?
Puerto Rico chips ending 9 ET
Hard Rock Chips $8 each
- Re:
Hard Rock Chips $8 each
- email sent
- Help needed!!!!! Chip ID
- Golden Nugget roulette -- Off-white N4155
- Re: Thank you
- Am I being insensitive? (Rant of the day) NCR
- Do something for people it's called Socialism.
- We do for other countries but not our own?
- Though what you say is sadly true, Ken, and ~~~
- Obviously we are in Haiti for one of 2 reasons ...
- It's the oil
- Actually it is .....
- Re: Obviously we are in Haiti for one of 2 reasons
- Obama is recruiting Witch Doctors for H'Care Plan
- According to Hugo Chavez,...
- Re: Am I being insensitive? (Rant of the day) NCR
- Obviously......
- Obviously your slam was directed at Obama/Clinton.
A little sensitive, huh John?
- Re: Obviously your slam was directed at Obama/Clin
John, are you a blonde?
- Please explain, fully, Larry. Thank you.
- Re: Please explain, fully, Larry. Thank you.
- Thanks-Let's just hope things work out for us all.
Here's a test, try your skill
- Can the JOKER be played as a RACE CARD?
- I haven't mentioned anything about race here.
- Re: I haven't mentioned anything about race here.
- I did help. We were VICTORIOUS _ WE GOT H'CARE ~~~
- John............What are you smoking???
- Hey, guy... you still up in Carolina ?
- OB has done nothing
- Re: Am I being insensitive? (Rant of the day) NCR
- To simplify things
- Re: To simplify things
- $1 Chips - March additions
- Best Offer - TRKing sample chip...
- Anyone want to trade!
79 days to go till the BIG SHOW!!!
- 72 degrees in Toledo- warmer then Vegas
- 78 in chicagoland warmer than So. Florida
- Re: 78 in chicagoland warmer than So. Florida
- That's what we'll have tomnorrow !
- Re: 72 degrees in Toledo- warmer then Vegas
- Sure...rain on my parade !!
- Today's SNAPPER
- Greg Susong Memorial Auctions winners!
- Thanks to all!
- Do you want me to send a check to save fees?
- We are only taking checks...
- Has anyone seen this card in Vegas?
- Re: Has anyone seen this card in Vegas?
- Steve, in the thread mentioned by Dave Norris...
- Thanks for the info
- In that case I hope my grab bag has a...
- My card came with chips!
- Thats nice!!
- Re: My card came with chips!
- My chip
- Here is a scan of my card..
- Business Card of the Day..
- Picture1..dam
- Picture2..nice arial view
- I think this shot is Photochopped...
- Picture3..another view
- Picture4..closer view
- Re: Hoover Dam
- NCR--so far....TONOPAH--Tonopah Club
- Here are a couple
- Re: Thanks Paul!
NOW it's CR
- Re: Here are a couple
- Re: Thanks, Ross!
- Re: NCR--so far....TONOPAH--Tonopah Club
- Re: Seeing the logo on the chips...
- Chip for Today
- Vegas Photo Exhibit in So Cal
- Re: Vegas Photo Exhibit in So Cal
- thanks..i'm going to have to check it out..
Chips at face FREE SHIPPING!
MISC Chips & Tokens
- I'll take the Hyatt
Hyatt Lake Tahoe
Mohegan Sun pair
- Good Cartoons
- Cool Chips Rog
- Very COOL!!!! Never seen anything,,
- Cal-Neva Closing
- ...and one thing we can be sure of ~~~
- I wonder about that, John.
- No need to wonder. Prior to my find ~~~
- Re: Cal-Neva Closing
NCR:For Hooters fans
NCR:A Black one
- Not being too familiar with these, can you...
- Hello Jim, they really don't cover up......
- And The 100 Numbers They Get Each Night
- Boy isn't that the truth.
- Wanted $1 Final Issue Last Frontier Chip
Another MGM Grand Roulette Question
MGM Grand 2nd Issue Roulette
- Vintage Las Vegas Photographs/Slideshow
- Re: Vintage Las Vegas Photographs/Slideshow
- Re: Vintage Las Vegas Photographs/Slideshow
- Re: Vintage Las Vegas Photographs/Slideshow
- Wow - some collection of pictures,
- The Flamingo Tower
NCR ~ Well...
- Thank You Phyllis!!!
- Additionally, if you remember, the ceiling also...
- x
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- Nevada 911
- frontier club 1950 $25
NCR:Hooters VIP Pass.....
- Reviews Wanted - Cirque du Solei LOVE & Elvis
- If you are a Beatles Fan "Love" is a must.
- Re: Reviews Wanted - Cirque du Solei LOVE & Elvis
- Haven't seen Elvis, but LOVE is a must see...
- Love is the best show ever!!
- Thanks - Love it is!
- NCR - floods in RI & OS comic
Set of the Day
NCR:A few Blank Slot Cards
- what's left of my stuff
- Where is other side of Hard Rock Cafe chips, Skip?
- Goodbye Cal Neva Lodge
- Question for Archie
- Re: Question for Archie
- Re: Question for Archie
- Thanks Archie!
- Re: Goodbye Cal Neva Lodge
- another mystery chip
- Mystery chip from mystery poster
- Re: another mystery chip
- Re: another mystery chip
- Here are Bill's scans
NCR ~ My one and a half cents...
- Pretty Car even by today's standards
A Page a Day
"E" Chips for $8
- Revel A.C. may be back on track shortly ...
- Hmmm Kimosabe. It very quiet...
Hi-yo, Silver...
Very Funny Cartoon!
80+ Puerto Rico chips ending tonight
- Personal chip of the day
- Janice's Slot Card Collection-Day 10
- Would love to see her Caribbean stuff
- TCR Help with this Harrahs Roulette
- Re: TCR Help with this Harrahs Roulette
MISC Chips in GREAT condition
Brown's Card Room LRGCRN
Club V
- Re:
Club V
NCR ~ Wednesday Humor (Mature)... 1:23 AM, EDT
Ric's Rendezvous
- Take your daughter along when you go to the casino
- Best Offer - TRKing sample chip...
- Re: Health Care Reform Costs
- a few months from now when people start receiving
- The only problem with your logic ...
- There's more than only one problem.
- One shouldn't "build" on ...
- Re: explained it all to us, repeatedly
- Re: a few months from now when people start receiv
Ahhh, and the key word: "excerpts" ~~~
- Ahhh..., yes, John "excerpts" ~~~
- Very true. Read, read and read some more ~~~
- John; I think that you are more ...
- I made myself very clear, Archie.
- CBS public opinion poll
- Ricky Martin Gay?????
- I always thought he was lol
- Re: I always thought he was lol
- I just found out I am a Lesbo....
- I always thought you were lol
- who cares
- Re: who cares
- Re: who cares
- Re: who cares
- Re: who cares
- Re: who cares
- Oh come on Michael-----------
- Re: Oh come on Michael-----------
- Re: Oh come on Michael-----------
- Re: Oh come on Michael-----------
- Michael, Jim has been watching CASABLANCA ~~~
- Re: Michael, Jim has been watching CASABLANCA ~~~
- Re: Michael, Jim has been watching CASABLANCA ~~~
- Delusional wishful thinking
- Whatever. We put Obama in and he's good.
- Reread what I wrote.