- Nevada Chips for Sale-Text
- Personal chip of the day
- Hey Ricky Pushkin!
Hit this...
Casino of the Sun / Casino Del Sol
Original Issue Chips...
Original Tournament set...
NCR ~ Saturday Humor (Mature)... 1:42 AM, EDT
- Why does gasoline cost so much ???
- Let me guess...
- Re: Why does gasoline cost so much ???
- Same Here
- The book may not be.....
2 decks Atlantic city cards and 5 dice!
- Now what have I gone and did????
- Those are pretty cool looking chips
- Re: Now what have I gone and did????
- Great question Dave....
- Anyone Need or Want These?? Please,,
Looking for Dominican Chips or Dice
Atlantic City dollars...
- NCR..Re: about nick johnson
6 Nice N. Nevada Chips
- the other side
- IL Ilegals and UFCs
- Re: JMN Club
- Gene, thanks for the added info!
California chips
- the other side
- napa v & westside $5 Sold, thanks Jim & Scott
- Chip ID/Value?
- Fantasy chips - 45c each.
- Re: Fantasy chips - 45c each.
Oceanside Card Club Set
USMC, Vietnam Memorial Casino
- Re: Still Looking for Tom Pleau
- Re: Still Looking for Tom Pleau
- That man has the worst luck
$6.00 Chips
Other Side
- NCR Volcano PICS these are good
- New Potawatomi $1 chips?
- Has anyone ever seen this set?
- How much is 5 1/2 hours of silver?
- A Little Less Than 6 Hours of Silver
- is 51/2 hours of silver, like a henway?
- Duh igues I meant ounces not hours ....
- Since it's Oneida, perhaps you meant...
- Re: How much is Duh igues
- 84c in Walmart
- Only When in Season
Rick's Moundhouse
- Re:
Rick's Moundhouse
- yeah,ive been looking for those too
- Re: yeah,ive been looking for those too
- Sell me a set please!!!
The other side...
- Re:
The other side...
1958 Golden Nugget Roulette Plus 2
- Anyone live near Atlantic City...I need some chips
- Different Paulson chips
- Re: Different Paulson chips
- Thanks for the info Don !!!
- I'm wrong. Mine are different
- Got any extras of any of these? LMK.
- happy B-DAY mrs shoopman
- Happy Birthday, Nancy
- Happy Birthday, Nancy!
Elongated Penny Books
- i got one before but... She can always use another
- Rick, which book or 1 of each ?
- Sorry Dennis, HR book please
- Kaitlyn will be happy, again
- Must be a member to post?
- I dont think you have to be a member
- No. Don't think so.
- Anyone Can Post
- It's not you; I've been having the same problem ~~
- Re: It's not you; I've been having the same proble
- It is odd Rick, Try again!
- Re: It is odd Rick, Try again!
- that i dont know, but I cant view them here at
- Re: Are you uploading..
- Re: Are you uploading..
- You have to post links a certain way..
- Re: You have to post links a certain way..
- maybe your subject line wasn't clear?
- Today's SNAPPER
- Thank You Judy & Rob!!!!
- Thank Mark-Got Your Chips Today
- You are Most Welcome!!!!
Take care!
- Chip for Today
- New UK Chip Find....Wilton Casino Club scroll mold
- Excellent find; pre-Stakis as well I would think.
- Personal Chips
- I get mine through David Spragg and Debra Meister.
- See the links
- Thanks very much, Judy!
- I too use David and Deddie-Very pleased!!
- Re: Personal Chips
- I also used Tiny Treasures
Magic City Poker Room (formely Flagler)
- i'll take a $1
- 48 hours from a buy on
& 3rd verse!
- Almost time to leave.
- Paul; don't forget, when you turn back to make ~~~
- NCR - Office Surprise comics
- Business Card of the Day..#1
- Re: Business Card of the Day..#2
- Picture1..nice front view
- Picture2..night
- Picture3..view from road
- Picture4..nice sign
NCR:Harrahs Genie
NCR:Harrahs Genie scan 2
- will he "stand on edge?"
- No, he has to sit.
- with his legs crossed, he looks like he has to go
- OH!! Now that just isn't right.
- NCR:Just Show-n-tell. Badges from Casinos
LV-- Honest John's
- LV-- Honest John's
- 2 things you never do....
57 Days Until "SPLASHBAR VI"
- Gaming Token of the Day
Best way to track your collection
- Mike, There is a Gentleman by the name of Terry
- Here is the Link,,,,
- Re: Here is the Link,,,,
- Thanks Everyone for the great info
- My Latest Project Is..........
- SInce This Is Still In Upload Database
- Barry, you make it look soooooooo....
- Re: Barry, you make it look soooooooo....
- NCR - Squished Penny set - Retired
- I will take them! errr.... Kaitlyn will
- Thank you, only 4 sets left
- Mr Skip
- Thanks a lot, I try my best
NCR:Any Flamingo fans out there?
- North Shore For Trade
- NCR Transfer song from You Tube
- One of my all-time FAVORITES!!
- I had a Woody.
- Hmmmmm .....?
- Somehow, we are not surprised
- Once
- Re: Once
- Re: Once
- Re: Once
- only 40 days left
Set of the Day
Some Obs. California CHIPS Ending Tonight
Set of the Day
- Re: Oops
A Page a Day
Gloria's Casino Goshen
63 Puerto Rico chips on now REAL CHEAP
lots ending tomorrow...paulson fantasy sets
- Personal chip of the day
NCR:4 decks of Casino cards
- Email sent
- Chipboarding with an IPad
- Re: Chipboarding with an IPad
- Re: Chipboarding with an IPad
- How Do You Like It?
- I need some more time
NCR ~ Friday Humor (MATURE)... 12:08 AM, EDT
- These are even funnier early in the AM!
- Not so funny after 9am
- Shoop...A CB in the FIRST ROUND?????
- Well, looking over Joe Haden...it wasn't that bad.
Best way to capture picture of chip
- scanners
- Re:
Best way to capture picture of chip
- Looks GREAT!! Orange & hot pink is the test!
- Definitely buy a good scanner..
- I agree about HP, not very good with Pink & Orange
- Canon Multipurpose scanner works great!
- Any foreign stamp collectors here?
- New Collector of Midwestern Illegals
- Welcome Shawn
- Welcome
- Re: Welcome
- Welcome !
- Re: Illegals "R" US
- Re: New Collector of Midwestern Illegals
- Re: New Collector of Midwestern Illegals
Magic City Poker Room (Flagler)
- Anyone getting these that takes PayPal?
- Nevada Casino Chips for Sale
- Re: Nevada Casino Chips for Sale
- Re: Nevada Casino Chips for Sale
- I am drooling over that $5 La Mirage CIC
- yeah your teasing and im drooling
- Anyone have a color Canon printer that...
- Looking for paper mentioning Italian casinos; 1946
- I think I found some in the
- Re: I think I found some in the
Four $5 NV chips - $20 FREE S&H !!
I was oddly drawn to this chip on
- Neat, looks like it's from Alice in Wonderland
- Catepillar and a hookah, Erik.
- You are right
Alice in Wonderland-ISH
- Re:
I was oddly drawn to this chip on
- Toad Liqour
Hi Steve & Sarah, I like that chip also
Part of an
Auction I bought
- I tried to post a picture of them standing
- Re:
Part of an
Auction I bought *fs
- anyone have the new arizona chip
- Re: anyone have the new arizona chip
Personal Chips - Do I have yours?
- Re:
Personal Chips - Do I have yours?
- Re:
Personal Chips - Do I have yours?
- The local Matchbook Club is having a show
- Re: The local Matchbook Club is having a show
Question on Cactus Pete's Roulette's
- Re:
Question on Cactus Pete's Roulette's
- Thanks Rich!
Star City chip and $2 Wrest Point token
- Wrest Point is Tasmania, AU
- Thank you Erik. Big help.
8 older chips
- NCR: Computer cent sign help...
- Smitty - Try This...
- The whole ALT-key list....
- Re: Smitty - Try This...
- Mac Computer?
- Re: PC Vista
- You are using a Mexican cent sign
- Still no luck
- Copy from one of the posts and paste it ¢
- t's an IBM Think Pad... no key pad & I tried but..
- with Windows 2000
- Try????
- Just goofin' around Mark. What do you think?
- VERY COOL!!!!!!!
Keep GOOFIN!!!!!
- More Prototypes but I need that Cents sign....
- Re: NCR: Computer cent sign help...
- Re: NCR: Computer cent sign help...
- Yeee Haaawww!
¢¢¢¢¢ Thanks Ross!
- I reckon that was a pre-arranged scam to make
- Re: I reckon that was a pre-arranged scam to make
- When they invented the typewriter..
- Nice Roy! much better c than the one I have Thx
- They did...
- Unlisted Eureka Mesquite chip
- Don't sweat the salt-sugar-tobac-guns and Beer
- That plaque is great...
- Thanks. Had it for about 11 years.
- A Photog friend Photo shopped
- It's been a while since I've posted...
- Re: It's been a while since I've posted...
- Re: It's been a while since I've posted...
- 18 Karat Gold Caesar's Palace Chip Set
- $28,500 Starting Bid. $500 for Shipping.
- Re: $28,500 Starting Bid. $500 for Shipping.
- Gold value is about $6,500
- Gold Value is $8136.75
- It's a really nice set, and if anyone is
- They do say Caesars Palace
- Re: They do say Caesars Palace
- Re: They do say Caesars Palace
- Probably just a "presentation" similar to the ~~~
- Very Nice Set!!!
- lol...I openned this post and viewed the
NCL Octagon NCV
- I'll take it! Email coming!!
- Email sent!!! Hope there is still one left.
- Have one more left! Thanks everyone!
- Also have two of the Triple Play NCV for sale
- I'll take those two please
- Thanks Judy!
- All gone! Thanks again!
- Hi Judy! How are you? Doing well I hope...
- Re: Hi Judy! How are you? Doing well I hope...
Uncirculated $1 Reno Circus Circus
- I will take it Tracy
Thanks Fred!
- Thanks Mike for the info!
- I'll be there.... whooo ray
- New collector need advice------WebKitFormBoundaryx
- Re: New collector need advice------WebKitFormBound
- Chipopotimus, I must say I like your screen name..
- Re: Chipopotimus, I must say I like your screen na
- Like Dave says, need more information
- for sale
- Today's SNAPPER
Only 58 Days Left
- Chip for Today
- 72 hrs to go on
& 2nd verse!
Mike Siskin, Thanks, Very Very Nice &
Glad you like it*vbg*
- Chip & Token SUpplies
- Business Card of the Day..
- Picture1..front.
- Picture2..night view.
- Picture3..view from parking
- Picture4..sign
- Re: Cool!
Thanks, Mark..the BCOD posts R great!
- Why is it when people get a face book page
- It has "Messages" ...
- It has "Messages" ...and it's annoying
- Gaming Token of the Day
- Tim Wandke - please contact me !!
- Jim-Email and Paypal sent
Yankees vs White Sox 5/1
- I need you to fill out the form and send it in for
- Royal flush set 24 chips
$5 over face WOWWWWW
- Roulettes listed on Jackpot Auctions
- ID help Please o this pair of chips
- Re: ID help Please o this pair of chips
- Re: ID help Please o this pair of chips
- Countdown to 2000 Personal Chips
- WOW Gene... Great looking 1995 ! ! !
- Pre Convention Sale
A few chips and 1 token.
Set of the Day
A Page a Day
- EURO Banknote facts:
- and where Mike Poole?
NCR ~ Thursday Humor...
- Personal chip of the day
MISC Chips
- $5 chip for $3.50 shipped free
- Emeril Lagasse to close his Island View ...
Older BC Wills LGKEY samples
NCR ~ Has anyone heard from Von?
- he is on face book every day
- I talked to him yesterday...
- Ernie & Harolds $20 chip
- Re: Ernie & Harolds $20 chip
- I think Jim can talk anyone in to anything!
- The banquet speakers are the best!...
- Here's his BIO!
- Hard Rock Cinco DE Mayo Chip!!
- Help ID vintage chips
- Re:second image
- Looks like Composite Clay
- Re: Looks like Composite Clay
- Re: Robert Eisenstadt Help McMike out
- Trade session reminder
Just listed 30 more Puerto Rico chips
- Cool Postcard & Stuff
- I did NOT buy this car
- yeah, who needs another small car
- *fs The Chip Rack
- Help-Help-Help
- 20% off all items
- Tiger Woods SI for Kids 1996
- Re: Tiger Woods SI for Kids 1996
- Blame Slabbing for the Ridiculous Prices
- Greenbrier / Colonial...Illegal Clubs ????????
- The new $100 bill looks GREAT!
- For real??
- I wish it was the real one, John!
The new...
- Re: I wish it was the real one, John!
The new..
- Re: I wish it was the real one, John!
The new..
- The new $100 bill does not go into circulation...
- Not that I really like to get involved in
- Re: Not that I really like to get involved in
- Just because my membership number is higher than
- Re: Just because my membership number is higher th
Congrats to all of us who have resisted and
- I've given up hope for some on this board...
- Brian, you are correct.
- The person who made that remark is not ~~~
- Does that mean your going to get better
- Re: Not that I really like to get involved in
- Re: Not that I really like to get involved in
- Do You realize that a 1 OZ Golden Buffalo
- Please explain to Me.
From the Bottom of The Barrel
- $9-$9.50 for the 5 Chp Lot
- The Chips are Sold
California chips
- 30% off .....shipped
- Eldorado & Rounders sold, thanks Reggie
6 Las Vegas chips
- 30% off .....shipped
- Frontier Club Sold, Thanks Joel
6 Nice N. Nevada Chips
- 30% off ..shipped
- Greg Susong Memorial Auction #20 Palms NCV Set
- I bid $35
- I'll Bid $50
- A pretty California chip set from 1925
- Very pretty chips.
- Re: A pretty California chip set from 1925
- Re: A pretty California chip set from 1925
Only 59 Days Left
LV-- Some Horseshoe Chips
- more LV-- Some Horseshoe Chips
- Ross is that your site?
- Re: Ross is that your site?
- Re: more LV-- Some Horseshoe Chips
- Re: more LV-- Some Horseshoe Chips
- Impressive collection to say the least
- Re:
LV-- Here's Mine
- Re:
LV-- Some Horseshoe Chips
Two of mine...
- About 96 hours to go on
& 1st verse!
- Does anyone have a scan of a chip from the
- How is the Aria Doing?
- I was there Monday night
- Re: I was there Monday night
- Las Vegans, is Embarq, now CenturyLink the only...
- I think Tincan Telephony Inc is still in business
- They are out of business! Turns out they...
- Re: Las Vegans, is Embarq, now CenturyLink the onl
- Thanks Steve. Already with Dish, but...
- Today's SNAPPER
- Gaming Token of the Day
- Chip for Today
- New Promo NCV Chip at Normandie
- you have to sign up for players card (free) and...
- Business Card of the Day..
- Picture1..hotel-beach
- Picture2..arial view
- Picture3..inside
- Picture4..pool
- Alert for Charles Kaplan
- Sure ,,,
Nevada $1 Chips On Sale
chip sets
- Other side
chip sets
- gold Spike Sold
- Passengers express love of Auto Train
- Not a bad idea,can take your Ferrari with you?
stagecoach chips Beatty Nevada
- Other side//note small nick see pics
chip sets
- Other side
chip sets
- Hooters Sold
chip sets
chip sets
- Other side
chip sets
- Re: Other side
chip sets
- Silver Legacy sold
- whooh.... Railroad related
Dollar Chips - Part 2
- I really need these two sets to sell out
- Re: I really need these two sets to sell out
- Whats left?
- ebay link for Judy Oct. chips
- Thanks for the heads up
Obsolete Nevada $5 Chips Only $10.95 Each
- Did you know the first casino in the Caribbean to
- Latest $1 Traders...
- Here's the story on The Greenbrier Casino in WV...
- I went to summer camp there as a kid
- Here's the $1 chip
- Chances not good on getting one then?
- Re: Chances not good on getting one then?
Set of the Day
- NCR - Office Surprise comic
- Encore at Wynn Macau Opens Today
A Page a Day
- Speaking Of Slabs
- What time are you serving lunch??
- Email one
- Where Do Slabs Come From
- Happiness is.....
- Re: Happiness is.....
Some Obs. California $1 CHIPS Ending Tonight
- quarters
Dollar Chips
- All sold - More coming
- I would also like to add that any chip ~~~
- Silver Strikes are not slabs ...
- That is not what he asked
- Addition Please
- Re: "Stratosphere debuts world record thrill ride"
- I'll be right behind Andy and Gene in the line
- Re:Gene Did It Yesterday-No big Deal!!
- Re: "Stratosphere debuts world record thrill ride"
- Personal chip of the day
- Wowsers! Wish I had more of 'em!
NCR ~ Wednesday Humor (Mature) 1:47 AM, EDT
- Re: Some great stuff there Pam ... Thanks!
- Re: "Stratosphere debuts world record thrill ride"
- Chip Holders (Airtites)
- Re: Chip Holders (Airtites)
- Re: Thank you..
- Re: Chip Holders (Airtites)
- Re: Spinetti's
- Congrats Reggie - Good Job
- paging Joe Benon . . .
- Got our Pre registration Confermation!!! woooooo!
- left you a message in facebook dennis :>)
- Where have you been, Ron??
- NCR - Help with a Swizzle Id
- WOW!
- Re: NCR - Help with a Swizzle Id - found???
- Re: NCR - Help with a Swizzle Id - found???
- Hey Doc...here's mine...
- VERY nice !!!!
- Beautiful! Go Pinstripes!!
- Thanks, I love finding more Yankee fans..
- Re: Thanks, I love finding more Yankee fans..
- Re: Thanks, I love finding more Yankee fans..
- I Doood it.
- very nice Paul but you never really show the
- Re: very nice Paul but you never really show the
- of coarse it is Paul,,,good answer
- Nice
- NICE!!!!
- 1woed: Awesome !
- Memory system Failure
- That car's a chick magnet..
- Depends on who's driving it...
- Re: That car's a chick magnet..
- Re: A thing of beauty!
- Very cool!
Glad you enjoyed it!
- ID help please Jaguar chip and
- High Roller
- Re: High Roller
- Leaving on a 10 day cruise all chips in the mail
- Have a GREAT Time Fred!!!!!
lots of nice chips...low starting prices
- A "rinky-dink" Casino
- Their not so rinky-dink chips...
- More of their chips...
- Nice!
- Lot of Puerto Rico chips on
.99 no bids....
- ID Help Please
- Fantasy per MarlowCasinoChips site
- Tks For The Info Erik-Do You Collect
- email sent
- 2007 wsop
Tropicana Las Vegas $500 house mold (inlaid)
- ideally I would like a 2nd issue chip...
- Re:
Tropicana Las Vegas $500 house mold (inla
- Re:
Tropicana Las Vegas $500 house mold (inla
- Re:
Tropicana Las Vegas $500 house mold (inla
- Re:
Tropicana Las Vegas $500 house mold (inla
- Re:
Tropicana Las Vegas $500 house mold (inla
- Re:
Tropicana Las Vegas $500 house mold (inla
- Re:
Tropicana Las Vegas $500 house mold (inla
- Re:
Tropicana Las Vegas $500 house mold (inla
- this is the chip I'm looking for TCR #E4248
- Re:
Still looking for these COTY's
- Thanks Everyone for helping out...
- CONGRATS Reggie,,,,, Sorry,,
- Lots of chips Going at Wholesale Prices
- Re: Lots of chips Going at Wholesale Prices
LV-- Hotel San Remo
- Re:
LV-- Hotel San Remo
- Re:
LV-- Hotel San Remo
LV-- Hotel San Remo
2010 $5 Pioneer RIVER RUN
Obsolete Nevada $5 Chips-Lot #3
WOOO!!!! Only 2 Months to go
- Now we are on the same page!!!!
3 Weeks In Aruba Will Do That
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
- NCR Thanks Chicago Bulls!
- Thank you Ms. Meister....
- Me too--Thanks Deb.
- Me too, THANK YOU
- I thank you too Ms. Meister....
- Thanks so much Debra
- Her new chip is kinda creepy...
- Got mine today. Thanks Deb!
Anyone Want a $1 Pop's Oasis-Jean Chip?
A few chips I need to clear out
- Business Card of the Day..
- Picture1..front.
- Picture2..front sign
$2 Buffalo Run Chip
- Gaming Token of the Day
Main Street COTY
- Here's what I have read
- Re:
Main Street COTY
- Re:
Main Street COTY
- Check TCB Spragg had one for or $45
- Is there an Apple store in Vegas?
- Re: Is there an Apple store in Vegas?
- Forum shops, Fashion Show, Town Square
- Great. Thanx.
- Set's that are left
and WOWW R they GR8
- Re: Set's that are left
and WOWW R they GR8
- NCR - Office Surprise comic
Set of the Day
Some Obs. California CHIPS Ending Tonight
A Page a Day
- 07 hooters set of 5.00
- trop football
- ringo starr
- Re: ringo starr sold
- disney currency
- Here is a Pic of a $1.00
- rivera trains
- mish chips 1.00 over plus shipping
- laughlin l/e
- past river run chips
- a/c playboy bills
- hardrocks scan 3
- email sent
- there is one you don't see everyday
- hardrocks scan 2
- hardrock chips
- 43 spams now and counting
- I don't see any spam
- Brian, thanks for fighting the spam
- Some days does it does! I just hope I don't...
- Re: censor away...and thank you!
- hardrock bomb dogs
- Re: hardrock bomb dogs sold
- aladdin chips
- Personal chip of the day
- what's with the ads.crap?!
Debby, Rec'd your chip. Very Nice, Thanks
Cordova Casino Chip - Set
$1 - Dollar Chips
- I don't like to be slab-free.....
- House slab
- ...and in Florida a monolithic slab is better than
- and speaking of slabs . . .
- I bought a slab at Walmart last week...
- Chip contest...let's change it up a bit
- YANKEES / 21
- Yankees/33 Thanks, Judy!
- Yankees/25
- Oakland/28
- Yankees/27
- Re: Yankees/27
- Yankees /23 Thanks Judy
- Oakland/27/Thanks Judy
- Yankees/24
- Yankees/30 Thanks Judy! Go Yanks!
- Yankees/32
- Yankees/22
- Athletics / 24
- Yankees/26 (PhyllisSpagnola R-5866) Thank You
- Yankees/28/ Thanks again Judy
- Yankees / 31
- Oakland/24
- Yanks/35
- Mike, I already guessed Oakland/24
- already taken, make a new guess
- Re: Chip contest...let's change it up a bit
- OAKLAND/23 Thanks Judy!!
- Yankees, 20
- Winner of the Series Chip contest is
- Cool, thanks Judy..nice chips, would
- Of Course, email me when you get back.
- Yankees/34
- Yankees 21
- Re: Yankees 19 correction
- Yankees/37
- Oakland/29
- Oakland/19
- Yankees/15
- Yankees / 19
- This guess was already taken
- Contest closed...go Yankees!
- Game 1 goes to the Yanks with 10 runs in the Kitty
- Yankees take game 2 and the series...
- and your Lifer's Breakfast Buffet gathering.
- Sorry, I won't be able to make it
- Man sued for $15k over negative eBay remark
- Re: Man sued for $15k over negative eBay remark
NCR ~ Tuesday Humor (Mature)... 12:03 AM, EDT
- *ncr* Wondering about my lottery contests?
- Have a GREAT time, Bob!!
- Have a great time, Bob
- WONDER NO MORE Bob's 252M Lottery 4/21
- Thanks Ron!!
- Thanks Ron!
- Chips on Saharacoins.com
- Re: Chips on Saharacoins.com
- Re: Chips on Saharacoins.com
- I am also Slab free & wont buy from saharacoins
- Define Slab free for the newbies like me?
- Good Question
No time for me now Derek
- Another slab free website
- Thank you Riverboat Rick and Erik ....
- Click on link below .....
- Mark, Too much piss and venom for my tastes...
- Re: Mark, Too much piss and venom for my tastes...
- Mark, I stand by my statement to you. Even though
- Hey Mark ... I am new to the hobby ...
- Re: Mark, Too much piss and venom for my tastes...
- Re: Mark, Too much piss and venom for my tastes...
- Ooooh boy, you really told us!!
- Re: Chips on Saharacoins.com
- "trespassing", "...threat to safety..."
- Dont worry, Im sure someone will provide you with
- Re: Dont worry, Im sure someone will provide you w
- Okay, that's it!
- Bob, great post!
- Yes I am ON that LIST & Jim Kruse is a HOF' er
- ** FLAMINGO CAPRI item of the day (or so
) **
Very nice, Mike
- Re:
Love those old slot glasses!
- Re: '55 Chev Convertible
- Any info on this Flamingo LV
- Anyone with a dice guide? please
- Re: Any info on this Flamingo LV
- Re: Any info on this Flamingo LV
- Who made these sample chips?
- Re: Who made these sample chips?
- Re: Who made these sample chips?
- Re: Who made these chips?
- Montecito TITOs
- I am alittle worried! USPS!
- Re: I am alittle worried! USPS!
- Re: I am alittle worried! USPS!
- Re: I am alittle worried! USPS!
- Re: I am alittle worried! USPS!
- Re: I am a little worried! USPS!
- Re: I am a little worried! USPS!
- Re:
4.00 Chips
- Re:
4.00 Chips
Howard Johnsons Chip
- Re:
Howard Johnsons Chip
- I might have 1/2 a rack if you want them...
- Gonna do it.....
- Heck they were barely States when
- Mesquite is just....
- Just as well - he only rented it for an hour
- Remember to take the insurance...
- No racing trains now Paul.
- Re: Gonna do it.....
- '71 Chrysler 300 flop-top
- Put the pedal to the metal!!!!!
- Have a great time! Get pictures!
- How many $2.50 collectors have this chip?
- Re: How many $2.50 collectors have this chip?
- I don't
- Re: How many $2.50 collectors have this chip?
- how about this one?
- I Wonder How May Have This One
- Re: ME
- Re: ME
- they still use them.
- Re: they still use them.
- that's not a first run snapper
- Re: that's not a first run snapper
- it's free play
- Re: it's free play
- COOOOL set of chips, Ross!!
- agreed all the way around
- Re: how about this one?
- i had one in my pile o chips as well
$1 LV chips NEW ISSUE Fitzgeralds - Tropicana
- Email sent !
- Re:
$1 LV chips NEW ISSUE Fitzgeralds - Tropi
- I'll take a set of 5....I'll paypal
- Today's SNAPPER
- Ending tonight - New Town Tavern $1 Token
- 2010 River Run Chips.
Camel Casino - fantasy/ad chip? FREE S&H !!
- Chip for Today
- Isn't this a Hoot...
CA 1000NCV - FREE S&H !!
- More USPS Gripes... This is a real doozie!
- Re: More USPS Gripes... This is a real doozie!
- Re: More USPS Gripes... This is a real doozie!
- Re: More USPS Gripes... This is a real doozie!
- Re: More USPS Gripes... This is a real doozie!
- Re: More USPS Gripes... This is a real doozie!
- my template for 1/4" and 3/4"
- Re: my template for 1/4" and 3/4"
- Re: my template for 1/4" and 3/4"
- USPS has a budget for "customer education"
- Thank You very much Gene Trimble
- OK so I fibbed a Little bit
- Re: OK so I fibbed a Little bit
- Kaboom is a Fireworks Themed
- "on 05/17/2010" Wow, you must be good
- Anyone Have These Vegas Chips
- Does anybody knows Mr. Stephen Segreto
- He's NOT a
member, Carlos
- Burton
- He is real and a nice man
- Thank you Greg I'll put him
- Inlaid Chip Question?
- Re: Inlaid Chip Question?
- Re: Inlaid Chip Question?
- Re: Inlaid Chip Question?
- One Day Left---Chips at Face PLUS
Obsolete Nevada $5 Chips-Lot 2 Great Prices
- Desert Inn Has Been Sold
Dollar Chips
Rancho Cordova
- Have 5 remaining
Fantasy Springs Casino too
Obsolete Nevada $5 Chips On Sale
TRKing SMCROWN Sample chip, FINAL days...
- 1940's RENO CASINO 50¢ Casino Chip R-9 @ $11.50
- Please don't make me throw these chip's away
- roulette email away
sold to INFO
Halloween Chip
- email sent
- Chip is sold.
- Richard, I believe I have both....
- Who Gets The MISC CASINO STUFF Box next??
- Me?
- Is there a list? i thought it was first to
- Re: Is there a list? i thought it was first to
- It Was Whoever Replied First Gets It
- Eric Miller, who started it, may chime in, but
- Alrighty then !! Tricky Ricky Gets it !
- Tricky Ricky ? Great, another nick name
- LOL~!!!!!
- Tropicana Chips F.S.
- scan 2
- scan 3
- scan 4
- scan 5
- scan 6 & more info.
- Vegas Trip
Chinese New Year chip Year of the Tiger 2010
Cordova Casino Chip - Set
- Nice chips, did they do a GO?
- They did not have a GO chip....
- Thanks for letting me know Stan
- Re:
Cordova Casino Chip - Set
- See my Dollar chip sale
Henderson-- Hyatt Regency
Only 61 Days Left, Better Make Plans!!
NCR:HUGE Digitran for Jubilee Bally's
NCR:Fantasy poster from Luxor Las Vegas
- Fantasy is a pretty good description
- Gaming Token of the Day
- My Collection Library updated
- NCR - Office Surprise comic
Face Value
Other Side
NCR:A couple of room keys from Vegas
- Better Nevada chips ending today on
- Pay Pal Question
- Re: Pay Pal Question
- Re: Pay Pal Question
- Re: Pay Pal Question
- Thanks
- Re: Pay Pal Question
Set of the Day
$2 Buffalo Run Chip
25 cent Buffalo Run chip
A Page a Day
- Personal chip of the day
Tons of Great Vegas Chips
$5 Stadium Chips
- Re:
$5 Stadium Chips
$5 Reno Willows arrowdie
NCR ~ Sunday Humor (Mature) 12:45 AM, EDT
NCR ~ Typo, should be Monday Humor...
- No, really. I dont get it. im not a red neck
- Harrahs Dime Project: Update
- Great Job Don - Now I need three more...
Face Value
Other Side
Survivor Update
- Cool N.Vegas Stuff
Puerto Rico Chips on
Listed tonight
- Thank You ALL!!!! For Putting up with me,,
- Interesting Article About Vegas Signage and Museum
- A photo I took over the fence last year
- Thanks Alex,maybe we could get Phil to go
- Neon Museum "CLOSED"
- Golden Nugget Neon Question....
- Re: Golden Nugget Neon Question....
- I took this in Jan, Fremont St.
- Re: I took this in Jan, Fremont St.
Hi Alex, what size shirt do you wear?
Self Promotion
- Tons of HR Pins for sale
- NCR...What a great day at the Stadium..
- Re: NCR...What a great day at the Stadium..
- Thanks Ralph, sent you an email.
- awesome
- Same in L.A.
Doc Gross, Please Email Me, Thanks
LV-- Some Imp Palace Chips
Ellis Island $5 LE's
- Shuffle Master Related Chips
- Re: Shuffle Master Related Chips
Paris ,LV LE's
- Hey Kerry, Michael, Stu, Butch, Jay, Marc & Joel!
- Re: Hey Kerry, Michael, Stu, Butch, Jay, Marc & Jo
- Re: Hey Kerry, Michael, Stu, Butch, Jay, Marc & Jo
- Tied for second suddenly and only 2 games back
- Re: Hey Kerry, Michael, Stu, Butch, Jay, Marc & Jo
- Re: Hey Kerry, Michael, Stu, Butch, Jay, Marc & Jo
- Go Dodgers!
- The Bison for N.L. MVP?
Stellaris $1 Monkey Chip!!!!
- Me too !! Brian did u get xtras?
All Gone, Should have got 50
- Thanks anyway Brian
- I remember you were thinking about them at one
- wow need one of those!
- Convention Tea Party
- Looking For a Paulson Sample Numbering System
- Re: Looking For a Paulson Sample Numbering System
- Re: Looking For a Paulson Sample Numbering System
- I hadn't seen this chart before
- Re: I hadn't seen this chart before
- Non-round Paul-son inlays
- The CJ Sisk odd inlays
- Re: The CJ Sisk odd inlays
- Thanks to You and Patrick R. Who....
- I agreed you do have the 4 inlay variations
9 nice California chips
- the other side
$1 Bill's Golden
Snapper & Roulette Prices Reduced
Cuban Collection
Vegas Low Denomination Collection
- Re:
Vegas Low Denomination Collection
- paycheck poker tokens
NCL Promo $5 Octagon Chip
- E Mail Sent
- You got it
- Sold Out
- Thank You Frank!! Take care & Have a great night,,
RR pass, pioneer, gold club Free tokens
- Other side
Riviera NVEA Tiger Chip
Imperial Palace 2006 Thanksgiving
- Silver Slipper $1 chip
- Other side Silver Slipper $1 chip
- SOLD......SOLD......SOLD
- Jerome Sport Shop snow balls
- Other Side Jerome Sport Shop snow balls
- Re: Jerome Sport Shop snow balls
- THank you that is the site I was looking for
- Not bad for only 29¢
- FREE to Good Home!!!
- I'll Take EM
- You got em Barry!!!!,, Please
- Thanks
- Viva Rock Vegas $20 clam
- Sold
- Casino chips and tokens for sale.
- Hi Josh! If you want, send me...
- Re: Hi Josh! If you want, send me...
- Here are the scans!....
- Re: Here are the scans!....
9 Riverboat Roulettes - $15 Shipped
Cuban and NY NY GO Chips Ending Soon
$5 deadwood $1's nev.
6 N. Nevada Chips
- the other side
- Bank club much better than scan
- Re:
6 N. Nevada Chips
- Silver spur & UNC $1 SOLD, thanks Charlie
- Re:
6 N. Nevada Chips
- $100 unc Sold, thanks Fred
- Today's SNAPPER
6 Nice Nevada Chips
- Chip for Today
- Scanner Recommendations
Epson Perfection 4490 Photo, The best
- Definitely!
- Great Price from Epson Website!
- Epson Perfection V500 Photo Scanner
Another Aruba update
- Gaming Token of the Day
3 Nice N. Nevada Chips
- the other side
- Ebay help please
- Re: Ebay help please
- Re: Ebay help please
- Re: Ebay help please
- Re: Ebay help please
Eldorado $100 Plaque
- Re: HOTROD OF Tomorrow - NCR
- Re: HOTROD OF Tomorrow - NCR
Obsolete Nevada-Lot 7
I'm back. New Aruba Chips
- Welcome Back Pal
- Re:
I'm back. New Aruba Chips
- WELCOME BACK you may continue the CountDown !!
Thanks Shoop, Only 62 days to
- Hope you had a great time!!
Thanks Tracy & we did!!!
- Re: Welcome back Brian!
- Welcome back to sunny Boston!
- This weeks VIP Passes
Obsolete Nevada-Lot 6
Obsolete Nevada-Lot 5
Obsolete Nevada-Lot 4
- Re:
AC Playboy Chips
**Price Lowered***
Smalll Town Chips-Lot 3
16 BRASS CORE CHIPS @ $5 EACH 2 $tart
Accepting Offers-Emails Please
- NO cheaper on this set
- Re: NO cheaper on this set
- Mike sent you email
or tommorow off to feebay
- Re:
- Re:
- Richard, please set aside a set for me..nice chips
- Borland chip set really CHEAP
- Re: Sold
- not to worry I have a few more
- I'd like a set please
- I would like a set also.
Obsolete Las Vegas $5 Chips-Number 1
- 15 chip set
for cheap
sold thanks FRED you the boss man
- Would have liked those ... snooze and lose
- 1/2 pie...thanks David..
- OK 20 chip's for $4.00 shipped FREE
- lots of Paulson fantasy (H&C) sets on
Set of the Day
Some Obs. California CHIPS Ending Tonight
- Chip Contest...
- Yankees/13
- Yankees/9
- Yankees/8
- Rangers/5
- Yankees/10
- Yankees/11
- Rangers/7
- Yankees/12
- Yankees/6
- Rangers/9
- Yanks/14
- Contest open until 1pm EST
- Rangers/8
- Yankees/7
- Winner....please send address.
- Your Kidding!!!!
Yeeee Haaa!!!!
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- Re: Yankees/15
- Rangers/10
- rangers/11
- Yankees /18 Thanks Judy
- Yankees /5 Thanks Judy
- Yankees/6
Stinkees / 1
- Welcome home..you were missed.
A Page a Day
roulette grab bags.
- Personal chip of the day
- Now that's a spicy meatball...
Poker Stars $$$ for Pay Pal
- Who wanted the Emerald Lady chips?
- Re: Who wanted the Emerald Lady chips?
NCR ~ Sunday Humor (Mature)... 2:05 AM, EDT
- error coin ?
Harley Davidson home poker chips
$5 & $25 Taj Mahal 20th Anniversary
- UP 844 Steam train is in Houston.
- Where in Houston Paul?
- Turn Left in Tucson
- Re: Where in Houston Paul?
- Thats why I as asking as we have several major
- I now see my error.
- Re:
Fitzgeralds $1 house chip
- Mets/ST L game is in the bottom of
- 1-1 going into the 20th inning
- Game over in 20 ...Mets 2-1
- E-Bay Auctions Ending Sunday!!
- Railroad related, War on Drugs
- Railroad related; casino on Orient Express:
- Anyone have a scan of chips used?
- Yes. Can be found on page 9 ~~~
- Rockies throw a no hitter!
- We have a NO-HITTER!
If you are in the contest read to see who...
- Monday's mail /Thanks Andy
- Mondays mail/Thanks Andy
- It's in the mail.
- Some recent finds
- Re: Cactus Pete's $5 Chip before & after!
- Re: Cactus Pete's $5 Chip before & after!
- The USPS DOES have a HEART!!!!
- Re: The USPS DOES have a HEART!!!!
- So Sorry Joel,,,,,, I wish I had another one to,,
- Does ANYONE have a Angie's Poker Room,,,
- Re: Does ANYONE have a Angie's Poker Room,,,
- Re: The USPS DOES have a HEART!!!!
- Put the money...
- Correct! Very likely your carrier paid the 78¢.
- Chip ID - Need Help
- Re: Chip ID - Need Help
- Red Garter Wendover???
- Red Garter sold to Wendover Nugget
- More, never did close as announced last Yr
- Purchased by Wendover Nugget
- On those days we went everywhere for the BEER.
- Re: On those days we went everywhere for the BEER.
- Peroni was the #1 beer in the 60s.
- Re: Peroni was the #1 beer in the 60s.
- Greg Susong Memorial Auctions on ebay!
- Love the history on this chip..
- Here's an old post about the chip...
- Too Bad.....
- There's always Mothers Day!
- Apr 22 = Earth day...what better way...
- What history?
- Re: What history?
- Definitely looks like two different chips
- Looks to be hot stamped not carved...
- Since we know of so few examples ~~~
- Alaska's Digital Archives; pics of chips-gambling:
- Pic is here:
- ...and click "next" for gambling hall pic
- Link here:
- Re: Since we know of so few examples ~~~
- The magazine article stating $1,100 ~~~
- Skip collects reproduction machine guns
- Re: Great history lesson Michael.
- Greg Susong Memorial Auction #19 Atlantis $25
- I Will Bid $15
- Greg Susong Memorial Auction #19 Atlantis $25
- The new Casino Arizona chips.
- Re: The new Casino Arizona chips.
- Re: The new Casino Arizona chips.
- Re: The new Casino Arizona chips.
- i need a $1
- Greg Susong Memorial Auction #18 New China Club
- I'll happily bid $5.00
- I'll bid $8.00
- Mike, when do the auctions end ?? Thanks
- When the bidding stops!
- Thanks Mike
- Greg Susong Memorial Auction #18 New China Club
- I'll Bid $15! Thanks!
- Greg Susong Memorial Auction #17 Palace Club
- I'll happily bid $10.00
- I'll bid $15.00
- Re: Greg Susong Memorial Auction #17 Palace Club
- Greg Susong Memorial Auction #16 Riviera $5
- I'll bid $50.00
- Ok, I'll go $75.00
- $80
- Greg Susong Memorial Auction #16 Riviera $5
$5 chips
- Even more images Posted
- Price reduced - Better Nevada chips
Only 3 full sets of the CRM chips left !
- Re: Dig up The...
$1 DE Sports Lounge chip
- Please send me your address...
- Email sent
- Please send me your address...
- Address Sent
- Please send me your address...
- Please send me your address...
- address sent ...
- Please send me your address
- Address Sent to email
MISC $5 chips
- Re:
MISC $25 chips
- E-mail sent Re: $25 4 Queens Run for Roses SOLD
- Mark the M Resort & FQ Oscar SOLD
- Need your address
- Antique Show Find today
- Re: Antique Show Find today
- Thanks Dennis
- Octagonal Chip of the week
- Great looking chip, Judy.
- Very nice, Judy. You're slowly getting me hooked!
- That's the goal..the more the merrier.
- YOU sent me 3 Octagons,,,,, THEN..
$5 CA chips #3 - FREE SHIPPING !!
- Hey Jim - I'll take the Del Rio Casino $5
- $5 Del Rio SOLD! .... Thanks, Buzz
- Palomar & Desert Sands SOLD! - Thanks Burton
- Oops. Don't drop ivory
- "You make me sad Ray"
- Re: Oops. Don't drop ivory
10 cent CA chips - FREE SHIPPING !!
- Desser House SOLD .... Thanks Mark
- email sent
- 45 Club $ A.B.C. Club SOLD! ... Thanks, Larry
- Not sure if I got the sale?
- You did !! - email sent
- 10 cent Eldorado - 25% off
- killer tokens
ya gota lookie at ummmmm
$5 CA chips #2 - FREE SHIPPING !!
- SOLD! - Thanks, Tim
new Trop and Fitzgeralds $1.00 chips
- 63 days till its Chippers Delight! but.....
$5 CA chips: FREE SHIPPING !!
GO, please see mail
- Diamond Jim's GO Sold! Thanks Ron
- $100 Majesty Of The Seas
- 20 $5 Dollar chips ending soon...------WebKitFormB
- over 1,000 $5.00 l.v. l.e. chips for sale
- Today's SNAPPER
- Chip for Today
- African Chips and Plaques
NH Card Room Chips
- Re: Fitzgeralds $1 house chip
- chip set of the stars "10" of them serial #ed
$20 CA chips #2 - FREE S&H
- 20 chip's for one price $5.00 WOWW
$100 CA chips - FREE SHIPPING !!
- I will take the Rainbow, thanks
- One sold, three left .... thanks Greg!
- Paypal sent, thanks
12 California chips 50% off
- the other side
mountain club + $100 wasco
- palace 25c sold, thanks Buzz
12. Nevada Chips 50% off
- the other side
- Westerner & Bonanza Inn sold, thanks John
- Cactus Jacks $5 , sold, thanks John
- $1 Sage Brush ,Sold, Thanks Ralf
- Palace Club Arodie, Sold, thanks Rich
$25 CA chips - FREE SHIPPING !!
- OOPS , Not Sold.
- Butch - there is a "two bit" penalty for an OOPS !
- Re: Butch - there is a "two bit" penalty for an OO
- Gaming Token of the Day
From here to the cage they go
- Re:
From here to the cage they go
- Re:
From here to the cage they go
- Re:
From here to the cage they go
HR V-Day
- Test
- did you see the posting about it the other day?
- Re: did you see the posting about it the other day
I see, you practicing
- Hey Riverboat
- I will not be at the meeting
- Thanks Rick!!!
- is that the one that says "Steamboat" On it?
- Re: is that the one that says "Steamboat" On it?
- Two different $1 chips does it matter?
- Re: Two different $1 chips does it matter?
- Emerald Lady question
- Re: Emerald Lady question
- Re: Emerald Lady question
- Bummer Robbie you are correct
- Re: Bummer Robbie you are correct
- yeah its like me finding Silver Eagle
- Re: Test
- Re: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!
- Re: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!
- Re: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!
- Re: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!
- Re: Billy, Welcome to thechipboard!...
- Box Packed up and going out on Monday Morning!
- Thank You....
Chicagoland Chip Meeting Rhyme
Frolics chips Joey Doves Aiuppa Chicago Mafia
- Very Nice Robert, I think I bought a set from you,
- Harley Davidson Question
- Re: Harley Davidson Question
- I asked in Joliet and they said No
- Correct Gene. They all do.
- Gene is wrong then!
- Re: Harley Davidson Chip Question
- Re:
Lake Tahoe--the rest of the stuff *rofl
- Re:
Lake Tahoe--the rest of the stuff *rofl
- Re: Reel Winners Club Tokens
- Re: Now I At Least Know......
- Re: Now I At Least Know......
- GN $5 sold, thanks Rich
- Tri-Burst and Full Auto
- $200.00 federal stamp
$5 Chips
- If again available...
Royale & Boardwalk
- Re:
looks good...pink stuff?
- No pink stuff, Pam. I used Fantastic and...
Trop Stadium Collection Series
- WOW Nice set Chuck!
Trop Stadium Collection Series
- Woooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
- Creat and Seal chips
- Better Nevada chips
Set of the Week
Set of the Day
- Re:
Lake Tahoe--the rest of the stuff *rofl
- Re: glad you enjoyed 'em
A Page a Day
- Next time clean using ...
- Lost History....
- History tells us that some casinos washed their ~~
- I've seen dealers cleaning chips at Mohegan Sun
- Here's a sheet of security stamps
- lol
N.Y. School of Gambling hce
- Italy tips....thanks....anyone want...
- Just have a great trip, Jim!
- Re: Italy tips....thanks....anyone want...
- Have a great trip
- i dont remember ever seeing that chip
- Wow.
- Re:
Mississippi Snappers
- Must learn how to do that!
- Thats why I believe in cleaning,
Copyright 2022 David Spragg