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Not sure if I would call a production a set.

One example being there are tables with 12-13 colors where no more than 8 colors ever left the vault and, in that same house one table was never open.

There is also delivered inventory which gaming pulled and either returned to manufacturer (if accepted) or under concrete and not destroyed.

...and, of course; there is production that never left the shop (as was the case at USPC).

Mystery still unsolved here and no longer available at this fime (or, as Eisenstadt used to say... "for now"). grin

In the case of your question, if chips were in play, they are able to walk and find their way into a collection, somewhere.

Messages In This Thread

Header Should Say 4-Sets Complete For Hard Rock
Re: test
Sorry, no extras....Thanks For Looking
Re: Sorry, no extras....Thanks For Looking
Hey A J - Great Looking Set !!!
Re: test
Re: Beautiful set! grin
question for roulette collectors?
Not sure if I would call a production a set.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg