Sorry that the show was cancelled as I was signed up to do it .
That said the FOHBC (bottle Collectors ) show is August 1-2-3 At the Reno Ballroom downtown accross from the silver Legacy .Room rates at the Silver Legacy are $70. Thursday and Sunday ,$145. on Friday and $169. on Saturday .
Tables at the show are an 8" table is $125.00 for non Fohbc menbers and $115.for members the second table is $105. There are tables available. Although the main focus is antique bottles ,casino items for sure . Other dealers will have vintage advertising ,toys, coin op and other vintage western themed collectibles . NO FLEA MARKET STUFF
This show won't happen in the west for at least four more years as the FOHBC moves it around the country .
What I can say now is that Barry's show next year will have a lot of anique bottle dealers there . If you want more info email me at