As "General(ly) Oblivious" has managed to get items put back in the wrong category by begging, maybe we could try it too.
Would that get the £2.50 tokens moved into the correct section (tokens) as they were used on the BJ tables and NOT slots. As far as I am aware, only cash was used for slot machines, not tokens and they were only used on the AR and BJ tables (20 and 40 respectively) but hey..............
Or how about Membership cards instead of slot cards as that title is not applicable either for most of them in the UK section.
Nah, I wouldn't wish to humiliate myself like Mr BS who lives on this board, it's not my whole, sad life.
I always thought that it was the type of item that was the most relevant NOT what game it was used on but hey, not when it comes to these it seems so now they are an oddity being the only jetons in roulette chips even though there are others that fulfill the same criteria but are still in jetons. I prefer things to be logical which seems to be the opposite of what has happened with these.
I really don't want my BS detector to constantly be on (and ringing loudly) so we may as well let him have his way (misguided though it is) and I really don't wish my last 6 months (or so) to be spent having to argue the toss as it's absolutely pointless having a dialogue with somebody that is so blinkered and narrow minded to only his "needs" that he only listens to himself and can't even be bothered to even read other opinions (unless they agree with his, which isn't often).
So Congratulations for screwing up the Playboy entry yet again, I bet he feels proud of himself.
When it comes down to it, who cares? It's only the UK stuff.
I notice that nothing has been mentioned about "having the only ones" not strictly being true now either but then, no surprise there. Usual selective cherry picking.
Over and out.