Please consider returning these as being Roullettes.
Archived; I once suggested these should be moved to ROULETTE, and the update was made.
When the 31mm example was brought up as usage because of size, I questioned and asked if it could have been used on bingo in the two London Bingo Parlors or even on Bingo in the Club, because of the small size.
I am sorry if what I asked about the 31mm, was confusing and caused the change.
It appears that both Rick and Jo have been corrected which added to confusion.
I have no problem with the 31mm jeton description remaining as is since only one color is known.
As far as Portsmouth, I now believe the lunette example should be listed as usage unknown since it, too, is only known in one odor.
If you need further info, please feel free to phone me at 561 798 2520
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