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MOM at the 1st Convention she went to 5
In Response To: Memories of Aladdin....... grin ()

Great memories at the ALADDIN. We used to gamble till 3 in the morning. I would get up and man my table on the convention floor and do it again. We would play blackjack for hours with a crew of old timers ask David Sarles & Doug Saito. One night at the JOCKY Club across the street in the early 1990s we had over $15,000 cash on the kitchen table, BIG fun. GREAT memories are the BEST.

Messages In This Thread

Memories of Aladdin....... grin
And just in case you were hungry after hours...
Re: Memories of Aladdin....... grin
The poker room
And some other stuff
Re: I can play...! grin
Memories of Aladdin. Several time periods here...
MOM at the 1st Convention she went to 5

Copyright 2022 David Spragg