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Re: I can play...! grin
In Response To: Memories of Aladdin....... grin ()

First, an actual memory... grin

I remember playing at the Aladdin when they had the machines with souvenir $2 commemorative "coins"...same concept as silver strikes, but no valuable metal content.

One more memory, not from the Aladdin...but triggered by an Aladdin ashtray. Years ago my husband and I were passing through Victorville, California. We enjoyed going to flea markets/swap meets, and saw one advertised in Victorville. We decided to stop by, early the next morning.
We'd just started collecting casino ashtrays and were walking past a table when I saw this tray. I picked it up to look at it and the person manning the table said "If you like casino ashtrays I've got a whole tote of them. You're welcome to look at them, but you have to repack any that you don't buy...they're $2 each." We bought a few more than 50 ashtrays, for $100, if I remember right. We were so early in our collecting that we really didn't know which trays were rare and which were common...I've often wondered what we left behind (we left a lot more than we bought, because it never occurred to us that we could ship them home! We carried all of them in our luggage...and were lucky that was before airlines started restricting the weight of bags! grin )

And some random stuff... grin

Messages In This Thread

Memories of Aladdin....... grin
And just in case you were hungry after hours...
Re: Memories of Aladdin....... grin
The poker room
And some other stuff
Re: I can play...! grin
Memories of Aladdin. Several time periods here...
MOM at the 1st Convention she went to 5

Copyright 2022 David Spragg