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Re: Need some help...
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As long as you actually get your money back, you might just want to let it go. Seller could just say "oops, I lost it before I could ship it" and eBay will only force them to refund you since they aren't "able" to send you what you paid for.

It always sux when you think you're dealing with honorable people and you get let down. What's their eBay reputation percentage? I dislike working with anyone under a 99.5%. Of course, if they're high volume and the comments are petty, I might overlook a few transgressions.

-- barry

Messages In This Thread

Need some help...
Sounds like Seller's Remorse -
Re: Need some help...
It Doesn’t Seem You Have Much of a Choice..
Just leave bad feedback
Depends ~~~
Re: Need some help...
Idiots are ALSO allowed to sell on eBay
Re: Need some help...
Agree: get your refund, leave negative
Re: Need some help...

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