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I've never gotten one, probably way too few

earnings from sales. But, yes, you must create and file a Schedule C for your chip or coin sales business, and include the amount from the e-Bay 1099 onto that. (And, technically, for ALL of your proceeds from collectibles sales.) I'm still trying to figure out how to report the $1,000 I got from the electric company for allowing them to erect a high-voltage power pole on my vacant desert land. (Guaranteed to catch on fire when the wires fall.)

Messages In This Thread

Has Anyone Gotten a 1099 From E Bay
Re: Has Anyone Gotten a 1099 From E Bay
Re: Has Anyone Gotten a 1099 From E Bay
I've never gotten one, probably way too few
Re: Has Anyone Gotten a 1099 From E Bay
Re: Has Anyone Gotten a 1099 From E Bay
Depends on your state as well, for NJ it's $1,000
Re: Has Anyone Gotten a 1099 From E Bay
Re: Has Anyone Gotten a 1099 From E Bay
Re: Has Anyone Gotten a 1099 From E Bay
no - in response to outcry, they set new amts
I Rec'd One For Less Than 3G
Is it delivered via email or snail Mail ?
my PayPal 1099-K was mail + email notice
Re: Is it delivered via email or snail Mail ?
Re: Has Anyone Gotten a 1099 From E Bay

Copyright 2022 David Spragg