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It was easier here than at the coin show. Here, I just stood near the front of the line where people exchanged their clouds for the $300 silver strike, and as they shuffled slowly forward, I gave them my spiel while shoving a flyer in their face. A few treated me like a fuller brush, sales person, but most people listened politely. I tried to keep my pitch short until/unless they had questions.

The next opportunity is the March silver strike release. Anyone else care to take on CCA sales duties? I can provide training and materials.

Messages In This Thread

Getting the word out for June
Re: Getting the word out for June
Re: Clarification!!
Re: Clarification!!
Re: Clarification!!
Re: Clarification!!
Re: Getting the word out for June
FT Knox Token
Will check mail when I get home

Copyright 2022 David Spragg