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There’s no way I would move any dates that are already on the calendar for the CCA. I think our contract with the South Point goes through 2026, although I don’t know if our date for next year is firmed up.

That said, the Silver striker club does not determine the actual date of the tournament. The four Queen’s Casino does, and the Silver striker’s just show up for the event and add some meetings to it. The tournament is a public event, open to anyone who wants to wander in off the street and pay the fee to be in the tournament, whether there are a club member or not.

The point of my message was not to create a battle between the clubs, but rather find a way for the clubs to be able to have their respective events closer together. The benefit to the CCA is that all of those silver strike club members, who COLLECT CASINO ITEMS (!!) have better odds of coming to our event, buy from OUR dealers, join OUR club, volunteer for OUR event, and foster goodwill between the two groups.

I don’t need to get into details, and I hope no one reading this decides to either, but not everyone in the Silver striker club is enamored of the CCA. The feeling may even be mutual from some CCA members toward the silver strikers. I don’t know, and I don’t care. I belong to both organizations and have found both groups to be welcoming, helpful, and fun to be around.

As your next president, I hope to bring a good number of groups with collector mindsets to the table and find reasons for us to get together more often and collaborate with the somewhat selfish goal of increasing participation by outsiders into our club. I hope that everyone reading this shares that view, even if the methods by which we go about it can be debated.

Anyway, I will be in touch with the four queens (Sean) to and the Silver striker club (Jamie) to see how we can better work together.

Wish me luck!

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Getting the word out for June
Re: Getting the word out for June
Re: Clarification!!
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Re: Clarification!!
Re: Clarification!!
Re: Getting the word out for June
FT Knox Token
Will check mail when I get home

Copyright 2022 David Spragg