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Getting the word out for June

I need your feedback/help.

I’m at the Silver Strikers Club tournament event at the four Queens in Las Vegas Nevada this weekend. I still had a couple hundred flyers left over from the coin show I attended in Orlando, Florida, so I brought them with me and distributed most of them to the Silver Strikers in attendance. Ran into several current members, several former members, several people who collect other casino items, and many people who weren’t aware there was a club, and MAY be interested in coming to our convention.

One very common statement from people involved in both clubs is that having our convention too far separated from their tournament causes them to miss ours because they don’t want to miss the tournament and can’t afford to make two trips out in the same month.

Their event runs Friday through Sunday. Our runs Thursday through Saturday. Seems like it might behoove us to slide our event to the week prior to the Silvert Strike event. That way, people can attend both events in a nine day period, versus 2-4 weeks.

What are everyone’s thoughts?

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Getting the word out for June
Re: Getting the word out for June
Re: Clarification!!
Re: Clarification!!
Re: Clarification!!
Re: Clarification!!
Re: Getting the word out for June
FT Knox Token
Will check mail when I get home

Copyright 2022 David Spragg