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Potential convert in the works
In Response To: Well, I made it (FUN Day 1) ()

Let me introduce you to Don. Don has attended our annual convention for several years, but never felt the need to join the club. I asked what it would take to tip that scale, and he said it wasn’t really about the price itself. There was just no value in joining because everyone has to pay to get into the convention, member or not. I asked him if getting free entry in the annual convention, saving him up to $10, would provide that value? He said maybe. I said “that would be my carrot, now here is my stick. If your access to some or all of the data in the Chip Guide were restricted, and the only way to get to it was by being a CCA Member, would that be worth enough for you to join the club?” He said “Yeah, probably”. Then I placed the latest copy of the Casino Collectible News in his hands, and let him thumb through the beautifully colored information-rich pages and said “You get 4 of these a year”. He then said “I think I might just go ahead and join anyway”. While he didn’t pull the trigger right now, Im confident that with some follow up, he will. And he’s exactly the kind of person we want to talk to at shows like this.

If you see Don this summer, hopefully he’ll be wearing a badge with a membership number on it.

Until next time, I’ll be here having all the FUN by myself!

Messages In This Thread

Well, I made it (FUN Day 1)
Looks great! Fingers crossed for you.
👍 E X C E L L E N T 👍
Mark Gereb stopped by
Thanks for your efforts, Barry.
Thank you, Steve!
And my next guest is… DICK BARTLEY!
Way to go Barry!!!
Re: Go get 'em Barry! grin
Welcome our newest member, Jerry Jordan!
Re: Well, I made it (FUN Day 1)
Potential convert in the works
Great Work, Barry, Thank you!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg