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Welcome our newest member, Jerry Jordan!
In Response To: Well, I made it (FUN Day 1) ()

Like many people at shows like this, Jerry was just passing by when I shouted out “Do you collect casino stuff?” (The line I’ve settled on to drag people into a conversation). He said, “As a matter of fact, I do!” I’ll skip the middle part and just let you know that after Dick Bartley put the screws to him on trading $1 chips vbg, we signed him up as a new member! So, please welcome Jerry and say “hi” to him when you see him at the convention this summer.

Messages In This Thread

Well, I made it (FUN Day 1)
Looks great! Fingers crossed for you.
👍 E X C E L L E N T 👍
Mark Gereb stopped by
Thanks for your efforts, Barry.
Thank you, Steve!
And my next guest is… DICK BARTLEY!
Way to go Barry!!!
Re: Go get 'em Barry! grin
Welcome our newest member, Jerry Jordan!
Re: Well, I made it (FUN Day 1)
Potential convert in the works
Great Work, Barry, Thank you!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg