T minus 9 hours or so until I’m wheels up for Florida. I made up a bunch of 1/4 page flyers and am bringing an assortment of casino collectibles including club magazines, The Chip Rack, silver strikes, tokens, swizzle sticks, a Jim Beam decanter from Harold’s, a full set of Tropicana ball park chips, Playboy and Barris CD sets, room keys, players cards, dice, and other trinkets. If these coin collectors don’t see something that interests them in my pile of goodies, then they’re way more hyper focused than we all thought.
Keep in mind that all this stuff is from my personal collection and I ONLY COLLECT NEVADA FIVES! Get my drift? Collectors collect. Period.
I’ll report back over the next 4 days of the show, and from golf courses and whatever poker rooms I find.
https://funtropics.com is the show’s website if you’re interested in checking them out.
Below is a picture of my bags, including $99 worth of golf clubs. You heard that right. My clubs are worth less than most of the stuff I’m bringing to the show!
- Barry