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C-Mold chips

I recently acquired these two chips and I get the feeling like I've seen this design before.
My memory is a little fuzzy on this one but I seem to remember once upon a time Robert Eisenstadt had little green die cut inlaid chips for sale with the same or a very similar design on them. I believe he described them as markers possibly from Rileys Lake House? Undersized, green with white inlay? I could be way off.
I can't seem to find them on his website or on the chipguide.
Does anyone know the chips I'm talking about? Or better yet, have a picture of one?
I'd like to compare it to the chips in my picture. And to prove my sanity!
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Messages In This Thread

C-Mold chips
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Re: Here's Seymour's code for those w/o book.
Re: Here's Seymour's code for those w/o book.
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Copyright 2022 David Spragg