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Re: Meet me in Casablanca..... grin
In Response To: Meet me in Casablanca..... grin ()

First, the Aruba yellow chips come in two version, light and dark pink:

Close up shots show the lettering differs and there are other differences, so it's not just a re-order, it's a newly created design.

Second, here are some more from the Aruba casino:

And some Chipco's:

Some $5 chips:

And some of the Russian chips:


Michael Siskin

Messages In This Thread

Meet me in Casablanca..... grin
Re: Meet me in Casablanca..... grin
ChipGuide image "CasaBlanca" .... grin
The "Blue Parrot" connection; Casablanca .... grin
The "Blue Parrot" connection.....
Re: Meet me in Casablanca..... grin
Oh great. Now, after set collectors
Re: Oh great. Now, after set collectors
Good eye. I believe you are correct
Re: Meet me in Casablanca..... grin
Meet me in Rio, at "CopaCabana..." grin
Re: Meet me in Rio, at "CopaCabana..." grin
If anyone can confirm this call with docs ~~~

Copyright 2022 David Spragg