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So very sad to hear this; Jerry was a good man,

Nancy and I knew him well and worked with him while the Florida club was still alive. He came to my home and we went to his home for meetings back in the day. He was so proud of his son. Sincerely Nancy & Reggie Gummer

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Sad news Jerry Leonardo passed away
Re: Sad news Jerry Leonardo passed away
May God bless...
Horrible news. Jerry was one of the nicest men in
Very sad news. Condolences to family and Friends
Re: Sad news Jerry Leonardo passed away
So very sad to hear this; Jerry was a good man,
My condolences
Our Condolences to Jerry's Family and Friends
I am so very saddened to see this. Jerry...
RIP Jerry
My sincere condolences to Jerry’s Family
Jerry Leonardo was an good friend, RIP

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