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Re: Sad news Jerry Leonardo passed away

That is sad
Bought a few good chips from him
and spent time talking at the convention.
Really great guy and was a pleasure to have known
him. He’ll be missed and regards to his family and
may he be blessed.

Messages In This Thread

Sad news Jerry Leonardo passed away
Re: Sad news Jerry Leonardo passed away
May God bless...
Horrible news. Jerry was one of the nicest men in
Very sad news. Condolences to family and Friends
Re: Sad news Jerry Leonardo passed away
So very sad to hear this; Jerry was a good man,
My condolences
Our Condolences to Jerry's Family and Friends
I am so very saddened to see this. Jerry...
RIP Jerry
My sincere condolences to Jerry’s Family
Jerry Leonardo was an good friend, RIP

Copyright 2022 David Spragg