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FUN update

Most of you know that I volunteered to man a table for the CCA at the upcoming FUN (Florida United Numismatics) show in Orlando Florida in January. I'm sorry to have to admit this, but I dropped the ball on getting our table reserved and the show is now sold out. I've sent a request to the show runner asking if we can be squeezed in (ie, if someone cancels). If that's not possible, I asked to be allowed to distribute information about the CCA on the floor itself. My travel is booked, so I'm ready to go, but if they can't find table space and don't like the idea of me wandering around harassing the attendees, I'll have to cancel and look for other opportunities to spread the word about our club. Anyway, just wanted to publicly fall on my sword and beg your forgiveness in advance. Hopefully, we'll be offered one of the two options and be able to get the word out.

-- barry

Messages In This Thread

FUN update
Re: FUN update
Re: FUN update (POSITIVE!)
Golf, anyone?
Re: Goood luck with the Show Barry!
Always the snow cone half full Mark, 😂
I've got a strategy
Re: FUN update
Great idea!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg