Why is it that every time I come onto this board or Facebook now a days all I see is people fighting, getting into arguments or doing something like that. I just came on here this morning to post a video like I usually do about the chip market, what it's doing, how prices have been and the interesting things that I've seen. Also talked about the Showboat $1 and a few other chips.
Instead I get some good feedback and all of a sudden we're fighting again... Like really? Is that all the boards and Facebook are good for now a days. That's what I see every time I come onto the boards and what not. I just don't get it because a few years ago it wasn't like this. We used to come on here, have some good conversations, threads and what not. Now, post something as little as a informative post or anything like that and some people just need to start stuff.
It's the HOLIDAY season! Like come on!
I'm just going to keep doing what I've done for so many years! Block out the negativity, enjoy the holidays with my girls, my family and people I love. I've never understood the thing about getting into arguments, discussions that go no where etc etc.
I'll probably even play some poker on Monday and enjoy some TRKs! I'll post some pictures of that when it happens so everyone can see! That's what the hobby is about, enjoying time, discussions and chips with people! The cool little things about these clay discs that we love so much. The colors, inlays, hot stamps, molds and so much more! Go learn about the history of casinos, people in the industry, the hobby and everything about it.