Many of us take for granted what happens when we submit items to the Chip Guide. We snap a couple of photos, fill in a few fields, and our submission appears in due time. What I personally didn’t consider was the time and energy that these folks put into a submission for a UFC or a new entity.
One of my more recent submissions can be found at the link below. What I submitted was a promotional chip being given away at a convention. What the admin did was research the entity that was giving it away. They found the website, the official logo, a picture of the actual facility, and the address.
All of this effort for a simple giveaway chip. That’s how much care they put into each and every item that is submitted to inarguably the greatest online collectible resource on the planet that the world gets to enjoy for “free”. And they are all volunteers, doing this important work for no pay.
Anyway, I just want to give a shout out to all of the admins of the Chip Guide. Thanks for all the work you do.