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A funny story. Tom phones me saying Jeff Lindsay ~

~~~ from John Huxley Casino Equipment in London has a £10 Playboy Club London (original) plaque and emails me a picture of what Jeff sent him. I take one look at it and phone Tom asking if he's sure the picture he sent me is from Jeff Lindsay and he says yes. I then tell Tom that is the same exact picture I sent him (Tom) that is in his book... grin and he says he will email Jeff. I tell Tom to be sure to ask Jeff if his plaque is drilled and to compare the pictures and light reflection and holes and to ask if Jeff's plaque is drilled. Tom told me the next day that Jeff said the plaque wasn't drilled and then Tom explained where to look on Jeff's picture and Jeff then said he has so many chips and plaques and got confused.... grin

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There are at least three denoms ~~~
Re: There are at least three denoms ~~~
Drilled, too. Most of the BG examples in their ~~~
This drilled sample that was once on ChipGuide ~~~
A funny story. Tom phones me saying Jeff Lindsay ~

Copyright 2022 David Spragg