Not really a competition. I’ve wanted to have some kind of a show in Reno for quite some time now. I even proposed having the CCA convention in different cities around the country and was basically laughed out of the room. Not just because everyone loves Vegas, but because we were under contract contract for multiple years.
That said, I would love to see regional shows all over the country and even around the world. It shouldn’t matter when they are, as they will draw people from their local areas and hopefully get more and more people involved in those areas, which should result in more and more people coming to The annual CCA convention.
My show includes ALL collectibles, because even if I were to match the draw that the SNCCC President it’s still less than 100 dealers, and the expense of the 40,000 ft.² that I contracted for requires many more dealers than that.
Anyway, I joke about it being a competition. It really isn’t. Let’s all grow our shows, and the hobby, and all hobbies, to the betterment of all of us.