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Staeffler/Kallman Websites Announcement

Dick Staeffler maintained guides (PDF's) of the chips used in California card rooms and native American casinos in honor of his deceased son Richard Edward Staeffler. John Kallman hosted the guides on his website. When Dick Staeffler passed away in 2013, John Kallman continued to host the guides. When John Kallman passed away in December 2023, John's website was discontinued. The guides were able to be recovered from the internet archive,, and are presented here. They are as of December 2023 and are no longer updated.

Messages In This Thread

Staeffler/Kallman Websites Announcement
That's great. Never want to lose any history.
Re: Staeffler/Kallman Websites Announcement
From What I Understand..
Links to the Sites on the ChipGuide Are Updated
Great work preserving this important information
Re: Staeffler/Kallman Websites Announcement
Sure. I would like the most recent version.
Re: I just sent you a couple of emails.
Re: I just sent you a couple of emails.
Email Responded to. Thanks.
Thanks for everything!
Great work Charles! Thank you
2020 (Latest) Version of the Guides Uploaded
Thanks For All You Do
Thanks for finding/restoring the CashCoin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg