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That post was made weeks ago and has nothing to
In Response To: Here's your post ()

do with your photo of the police or special agents in the boat that you posted just recentlly. See, I bet you never lost a debate in your llife (sorta like Trump) because you simply change the subject and brag about how good you are. So go ahead, John, and post all your silly comments but it doesn't make you a better man in the end.

Messages In This Thread

The beach, the intracoastal and the 3 bridges
Re: The beach, the intracoastal and the 3 bridges
Only time in history that an ex-Presisdent called
Re: Only time in history that an ex-Presisdent cal
Re: Only time in history that an ex-Presisdent cal
"Big time left wing"? Hoo, are you guys screwy
Please do not include me in "you guys."
You posted the picture and started this mess
Security at its highest level
Mess refers to this thread and you ain't
This IS the only "thread" of mine you responded to
.... and I didn't even respond when you ~~~
Maybe I should have said your brain is a mess
Here's your post
That post was made weeks ago and has nothing to
...and it was bull.
No. You're not done and you can't call me an
J. Eric go back to your Roulette game.
I'll bet on 00 in your honor
Thats a good one. 😂😂😂

Copyright 2022 David Spragg