As many of you herd the St. Regis is now open on Palm Beach. All the Beaches in Aruba are Public and always been that way. For some reason there is a claim that the beach in front of this new resort is private.
UH- Oh
As a result there have been on going protests by the locals.
The new resort was built on an ocean front lot that had an old closed POLIS sub station on it.
It was a beautiful stretch of beach I would walk every morning. During the week you would see the local school teachers with their classes teaching their young children how to swim.
So now that is all gone and who knows what the outcome will be there. I guess they will have to put up some barriers on the beach to PEN in their guests. Ya Hoo.
We are going back to our place in two months and will be interested to see what's going on there.
Hopefully the Casino will be open and can pick up some chips.
Looking down the beach you have the new one then the Riu Adult only property. Next is the Original Riu with the 3 domes. Then it's the Hilton and the last one in the photo is the Barcelo our home away from home.
Most of the people is the photo are the locals on the beach except the customers on the lounge chairs. The only restriction on the public beaches in Aruba is that you should not use any of the resort chairs.