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Last weekend in Atlantic City

My wife and I spent the night in Atlantic City last Saturday.
We had some good food and I went to the AC Club meeting on Sunday before leaving town.
All in all it was a fun time.

Saturday night was all about her going to see Rod Stewart almost the last time at the Hard Rock.
Have tickets for a summer show as the 80 year old says he is done touring.
Nice time.

And while at the HR...

Sunday we had our favorite "brunch" at Whitehouse Sub @10:00 and the waitress said do you need to see the menu, most people that show up at this time already know what they want.
Yep, Chicken Cheese Steak.

Picked up some nice chips at the AC club meeting and said hi to as many folks as I could before leaving....

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Last weekend in Atlantic City
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Re: Trump Taj Mahal Chips
Re: Trump Taj Mahal Chips
DANG SCOTT - Keep posting buddy

Copyright 2022 David Spragg