after doing many auctions on ebay,and if your chip does not sell, ebay will let you relist it and if it sells on the second time around,ebay will credit you your 25 cents back or whatever it cost you originally..anyways ebay comes right out and tells you on the second time being listed to use the words rare, original,one of a kind.ect ect..being that i wanted to sell the chip, have fell into that trap a bit myself..thanks for waking me up to this practice and will be watching out that i no longer use this type of wording to sell all honesty i enjoy selling chips,as well as buying, but when i sell a chip its like saying goodby to a old friend. and if you have done any dealings with me in the past, i have a standing policy that if you dont like it for any reason whatsoever will gladly refund money as well as take care of postage,dont actually write this out, as being a one finger typest would take forever..those are my thoughts on this subject