... Peter, you're right. Fundamentally, there is no significant difference between the Republicans and the Democrats. Contrary to the campaign rhetoric of the two presidential candidates, both major political parties stand for the same basic principle -- the more government, the better.
Oh, they may disagree on specific issues and programs, but when you get right down to it, they both want government to exercise more and more control over our lives. If that isn't the case, why do the politicians create thousands of new laws every year?
As a matter of general philosophy, they all think they know better than we do how we should live -- and they want to exercise power/control over us and (primarily) our money.
BTW, my friend Bob Orme, it isn't cynical when it's based on good reason! <g>
I will vote for Harry Browne. And don't feel that my vote is being wasted at all. ----- jim o\-S