>>I can't understand why poeple bash unions. The lazy union worker argument doesn't hold water. If we get someone who isn't pulling their own weight they're gone and won't be hired again.<<
One of the problems is that the union determines what "pulling their own weight" means. If the union determines that a worker should be able to make X number of things during an 8 hour shift, and worker manages to make X number of things in 5 hours, he goes home after 5 hours. Instead of helping the company by producing more than the union lays out as the standard for pulling his weight, he has no incentive to do so, because the union makes sure that the guy who takes the full 8 hours to do the same things is paid the same as the 5 hour fast guy. If I remember right, this situation was a sticky issue during the last UAW contract talks
Overall, labor unions inhibit ambition. ...or at the very least, they don't encourage it.
Don't take my opinions of unions personal, because they aren't. The individuals involved are, for the most part, hard working people just trying to get the most they can for their work. That I understand. I just believe personal
performance should be able to speak for itself.