All right, this has gone on long enough without my saying something. Why do you continue to refer to some nebulous "religious right?"
I am a practicing Christian. Many of my political views would be viewed as conservative, or right. Therefore, I guess you would refer to ME as the media-coined term, religious right.
Bob Ginsburg is a practicing Jew. Many of his political views, as he, himself has said, would be viewed as liberal, or left. Therefore, I guess by the same standard he would be referred to as the religious left. But the media has coined no such phrase.
These terms are used to stir up some kind of negative feeling toward people, much the same as McArthy stirred up feelings against anyone with whom he disagreed. Let's be careful with labels. People's convictions are not so easily put into a box. Some of our convictions are immutable, others change as we experience life.