>>I can't think of any significant way in which they are different.<<
>....just one. Al Gore says he's for smaller government, then proposes huge increases in new programs. ...okay, maybe an easy second difference. Al Gore is a pathalogical liar, and has been for years.
And this makes him different from George Bush? yeah right.
>I had to interrupt that statement. Does Harry Browne think (or do you think) that GW is the Religious Right?!?
While I will not speak for Harry Browne, I belive his statement is more about voters perceptions and one must admit that the Religious Right is more commonly perceived to be connected to the GOP. Of course Mr. Bush does seem to have a few issues which are influenced by religious concerns.
>Again, I'm uninformed about his feelings about our military.
I wouldn't want you to remain uninformed so here is a brief snippet.
"As President, I will bring American troops home. I will remove us from the entangling alliances that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson warned us about. I will see to it that America has a proper defense against any missile attack. We will be far safer than we are now, while spending far less money on the military."
>It doesn't. Entitlements are a product of the last century, and increasing the scope of them is how democrats get elected.
Excuse me, but you don't really believe that its only the Dems. Governemnt spending on what you call entitlements is a two party process. These entitlements grew during 12 years of Reagan-Bush. Where in Mr. Bush's campaign does he state that he is against federal funding of education, where does it state that he will abolish Social Security (without replacing it with another program) and medicare and medicaid, and Farm subsidies, and government grants to businesses.
Now in your earlier message you said of the Constitution; "is the best platform for treating a nation that I know of." In your last post you acknowledge that programs supported by both the Dems and Reps. don't have constitutional authorization. I think there is a closet Libertarian in you just dying to get out. Let it Bob, come on your --- almost there, Start slow -- vote libertarian but tell people you voted for Bush. . . in time you'll be able to come out publicly.
for more information you can go to http://www.harrybrowne2000.org/