Too bad George W. isn't running for the Senate instead of the presidency. He would be choo-in if he just would have veered his car off a bridge in Chapaquidic ( please forgive the spelling) and killed someone. Of course the negative part of the whole thing is that he admitted his faults instead of making up some half-ass excuse or denial or lie about the whole incident.
I don't believe the American people could stand an honest man in the White House. Well, we will see. I hope I am wrong.
I admit I am ashamed that I am following the New York Senate race more than California. but a defeat of both Gore and Hillery would really make my day. I wonder how close of a race it is going to be between a dead governor and a live opponent in Missouri?
Something tells me this election is not going to be as close a people think. I'm looking for a real mandate for George W. Bush. We've got to put some decency back into government and rebuild our military before it is too late.