I feel that I have to address the issue of Pay Pal's operating procedures (and not necessarily defend PayPal) As a retail merchant for most of my adult life I have always acceptdr both checks and crediit cards. When a customer comes to my store and purchases something with a check I do not tell them "well wait ten days for your check to clear than pick it up". I gladly accept the check give them the merchandise and that send 6them on their way. WHY SHOULD THIS BE ANY DIFFERENT OVER THE INTERNET OR BY MAIL.?
As a crefdit card accepting merchant I MUST hgive my bank account info to the servicing company (NOVUS< PAYPAL< etc) so that they can deposit the funds in my accout. That folks is the way of doing busiess. It seems to me that some of us are getting a little too parinoid about doing things over the internet that they do as a matter of course every time they walk into a retail store or restaurant. and that id my two chips worth....