The following note was posted by Steve Piccolo involving chip value and Ebay. I thought I would add my comments <g>.
>>>>Even though it takes alot of time to sift through all the listings on ebay, I do feel that it is important to help one place a "true value" on a
chip they may be considering to buy. All of the price guides are fine as a starting point but the "real time" values on ebay are really on
the 'pulse' of what items sell for.<<<
Steve, nothing could be further from the truth. Ebay does not establish value anymore than any other auction. The few collectors/dealers who have time to fool around with the vast listings on Ebay are hardly a representation of the collector community. My guess would be less than 10% since many collectors are not even on line. Also many on line such as Gene, myself and others don't buy or sell on Ebay.
>>> Years ago, talking to one of the Chip Rack authors, he stated that the book didn't place too much
emphisis on auction prices as they were limited and only expressed one person's opinion of a chips "worth". Well, ebay has changed all
that! Contrary to what others may say, MANY of the "deep pockets" know what's on ebay and what the price is AND if they feel it's a
good buy, they bid!<<<
Steve, Ebay has not changed anything. Those looking for a chip bargain try to "snipe" and/or bid low. In addition, it's the same old tired chips or new issue LEs that are listed. Collectors who own tough or "rare" pieces wouldn't dream of listing them on Ebay. Would you??? I don't see YOU listing any of your rare dups <g>.
>>>Gone are the days of getting a "steal" on just doesn't happen any more. Sure, something falls through the cracks every now
and then due to a mis-labeled chip or error on the sellers part, but by and large, it doesn't happen any more. The books may be great if
you just want to "value" your collection but if you want to buy or sell, better look at the prices realized on ebay.....or end up paying too
Steve, maybe steals were available in the early days of Ebay. However, because people do not know what something is worth and list it only establishes one thing; they lack knowledge. Maybe "true" collectors fool around with Ebay but from what I read on Greg's board most are starting to get bored with the countless listing of "nothing" chips. In my opinion Ebay establishes nothing. Many buyers use the price guides to establish what they are willing to pay. If they can buy UNDER the guide they feel they got something <g>. So who is kidding who?
My best to you my friend. We don't often disagree but in this case we are miles apart <lol> Jim