This STAR chip is being considered for a new Seymour code at the convention's 1st ever Antique Code Session this year. The chip is not a Monarch, it is not a Hunt Stackrite, and it is not Hunt's Star in Rings mold but it is more of a combination Star in Rings + Monarch. The big question has been how old is this chip because it is an unusually "modern like" clay composition. I just stumbled across this in Howdy's Guide to Hunt & Company. This same chip was hot stampted with a script "T" by Hunt for Bowman Equipment company in 1944. This proves that the chip existed before the 1946 "cut off" date for Seymour Coded Antique Chips. BINGO! It will be given a new Seymour code on Friday June 25th 7PM at the convention! NOTE: (Page 77) The chip is not listed as a HUNT mold. There is some great information in this "must have" book for collectors! You can get Howdy's Guide to Hunt & Company from Howard Herz at the convention.