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The Chip Board Archive 20

Lebron & Bosh in New York next season. SOLD

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Congrats to the Celtics fans.........
Lebron & Bosh in New York next season. SOLD
BYE BYE! .....
Wade & LeBron to NEW JERSEY
vbg GO CUBBIES!!!!! vbg
STILL a Cavs Fan But.....
rofl Move to Boston or NY rofl
C'mon, Shoop...REALLY???? If the Cavs
Re: C'mon, Shoop...REALLY???? If the Cavs
I can talk...I'm a CUBS fan!! rofl
Re: Lebron & Bosh in New York next season. SOLD
New York & New Jersey has money to burn ....
grin Thank you. There's ALWAYS next season...
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
rofl rofl Shoop, LeBron $ucks under pressure!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg