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The Chip Board Archive 20

Good to hear..
In Response To: Good luck, weather been ok. ()

Was looking in Sand Key (Clearwater) for a while but gave up on that and now looking in Pompano/Lauderdale by the Sea area. Problem is that I want it on the sand and have a big "must have" list so I either price myself out or cant find it.

Messages In This Thread

NCR...Going down to Florida for a week
Have Fun and Good Luck
Good luck, weather been ok.
Good to hear..
Just so you know...
Re: Just so you know...
vbg Pompano Plage or Lauderdale-sur-Mer are both
Thanks to All! Bringing my laptop just in
What parts Judy? .
Re: What parts Judy? .
Check email please

Copyright 2022 David Spragg