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The Chip Board Archive 20

Here is how the seller found the chip...

This is from the Ebay auction. The seller stated " I found this chip while working on a piece of construction equipment that was excavating the right of way for the Desert Inn/I-15 connection in 1994. The machine was digging at the north edge of the parking lot that was over the old Silver Slipper Casino."

Messages In This Thread

Opinions needed: Real or Fake???
IMHO Fake. Done All The Time
And someone paid $321?
A Sucker Born Every Minute
Re: Opinions needed: Real or Fake???
Here is how the seller found the chip...
Re: Here is how the seller found the chip...
I bet Silly Billy from Philly won it!
plastic expands when heated, coins easy to pop out
Re: plastic expands when heated, coins easy to pop
My first mule, I sent it back, seller from PR
I wonder ....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg