A couple of days ago I posted a message saying that I was sick and tired of receiving chips in the mail that were not as described. I want to thank everyone for their replys.
I was not really clear about what is upsetting me. In most cases I received a refund or replacement chip without any hassle from the seller. Sometimes my refund included the shipping, sometimes not. Sometimes the sellers were apologetic, sometimes not. This is not what is really bothering me. What bothers me is the whole procedure. I send a check, I wait from 5 to 20 days or more for my item, I anxiously open my package when it arrives, I'm then disappointed in the item, I then e-mail the seller, I wait for a response that is not always timely, I then (at my expense) return the item, and finally I wait up to 15 days for my refund. All this because an item is not described accurately.
This has happened to me several times within the last few months. Just the other day I received 2 chips that were described in bold letters as MINT CONDITION. One of the chips was about AU, but not mint, while the other had some HS missing, it was dirty, and had at least 5 minor rim nicks and 1 fairly large rim nick. As I said, I'm sick and tired....