is a reverse image, heat and pressure transfer method. I'm sure there is a technical name for it, but basically its a lot like do-it-yourself t-shirt transfers using and inkjet printer and an iron. Print a reverse of the image to a sheet of medium (paper, velum, etc.) and then place the image over the blank chip. Apply pressure and heat and the ink transfers to the chip. However, there is very little absorbtion of the ink and after a little bit of play time, the ink wears off. After a lot of play, the chip looks like the one on the left.
Another interesting aspect is that Chipco has historically had a problem with their red ink. It bleeds! Looking at the chip on the right, the spade and club (black and green inks) are sharp and crisp, but the diamond and heart are fuzzy.
But their graphics can certainly be nothing short of spectacular!