At a local flea market today, I bought some interesting stuff which I have to trade. I have PGI advertising CHIPCO's which I'll trade for like pieces from other manufacturers. Secondly, I have dog tags, yes, dog tags from some sort of slot promotion held at Bally's Park Place in AC. One side reads;
The other side has the casino name, logo & address. The woman I got the sfuff from had other items from Bally's which included key chains with slot machines, money clips, & other items. I'll be back in touch with her in a week or so if anybody has any interest in items that I need to get more of for trade.
Does anybody have any information about when the dog tags were issued? Unfortunately she had sold the ice machine & ice buckets from the casino to a dealer up north before she came back to Florida. She said she let them go real cheap! They should be showing up on ebay any day now.