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The Chip Board Archive 20

Extra! Going to have a little SALE fun tomorrow

Tomorrow, starting approx midday PST, I am going to post a number of absolute bargain items, hopefully a few minutes apart from each other.
Every item will be the same price (havnt decided yet what that will be, but probably $20 or $25).
You will have to post a SOLD sign to get the item.

There are two catches, which is what will make it fun (hopefully grin )

1. Im not going to say how many items there will be until I list the last one.

2. Each person can only buy a maximum of TWO items. Once you post a SOLD sign you are committed, cant go back on it. Of course if anyone wants to 'trade' their purchase(s) with other winners that is up to them.

Messages In This Thread

Extra! Going to have a little SALE fun tomorrow
Sounds like fun !!! Can't wait to see what's comin
I Don't Get It vbg
could you give me a call....
No need for me to call that long distance, we have

Copyright 2022 David Spragg