~~~ by trying to have readers think that your false information, GlennBeckerishness copy/paste Right-Wing Nut Jobs' articles are the truth when you fully know they are not and yet you CLAIM they are YOUR thoughts when they are not, especially when you post out-dated Sarah Palin quotes that have been called to your attention on the same day you quote a "re-run" of Beck.. It's so very obvious, Archie. Again, keep looking like a child and keep up your copy/paste (forwarded) posts and continue to be called on them, and you know full well I have no problem with any post voicing an opinion regarding dislike for Obama or his administration, it's just the "misinformation" (not checked-out, first) posts that I feel are childish and I thought you knew better... and from the tone of your post I'm convinced you know better but just enjoying to continue what you enjoy, best... agitating..!!!