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The Chip Board Archive 20

Reread what I wrote.

You claimed a majority of those involved in this forum are "Libs". You are wrong.

Obama didn't achieve his current position because of his liberal base. He got there by lying to fool enough independents and moderates into voting for him. The population of this country isn't majority liberal. November elections will show that in ways that will have the liberal lame stream media throwing fits, and self-proclaimed "Libs" like you in utter disbelief. You are heavily invested in The One. Consider that a bad investment on your part. What really hurts is, your bad investment has negatively affected this country in ways unimaginable in a shorter time frame that almost anyone could have predicted.

Messages In This Thread

Ricky Martin Gay?????
I always thought he was lol
Re: I always thought he was lol
I just found out I am a Lesbo....
I always thought you were lol
who cares
Re: who cares
Re: who cares
Re: who cares
Re: who cares
Re: who cares
Oh come on Michael-----------
Re: Oh come on Michael-----------
Re: Oh come on Michael-----------
Re: Oh come on Michael-----------
Michael, Jim has been watching CASABLANCA ~~~
Re: Michael, Jim has been watching CASABLANCA ~~~
Re: Michael, Jim has been watching CASABLANCA ~~~
Delusional wishful thinking
Whatever. We put Obama in and he's good.
Reread what I wrote.
More GlennBeckerishness
A sincere question for John B.
Easy question to answer ~~~
Geez John ...
Wrong, Archie. Your Question was a "spin"
You still have not answered my question John ...
Sure have. Read my response.
Read my response.
The GOP had six years to write a bill.They did NOT
Amazing, but not surprising.
Re: The GOP had six years to write a bill.They did
I don't think I ever said that. I have a list ~~~
Re: Sure have. Read my response.
More Obama lies
It is intellectual indolence.
The "opinions" are not in the mix, Bob.
JB will decide who is correct!
...and You are not correct, Archie.
Re: ...and You are not correct, Archie.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Re: You have no idea what you're talking about.
Libs? Here? On the Chipboard?
John, are you really serious ??????
Re: who cares-Michael..
Re: who cares-Michael..
I agree with Michael Paul ...
I agree with Hanover
Michael, is it just the Republican "Drivel" that
Who is Ricky Martin ;-)
Screw Ricky Martin. I'd rather see Poole's picture
Is This Multiple Choice vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg